That is thousands of years ago and they lived in northern Europe and into Russia. These are all actual facts BTW We visit our vet often. i did some research and the original dam did have a white and the male pup (yes male) was breed with sis litter mates to keep getting the white color. People expressed their hateful opinions here and actual owners mostly said that they have healthy white Dobermans. My first dobe came from a first time breeder and he had both DVDob and VWD. We are experienced Doberman owners. First, As I initially stated, it hasnt been that long ago that blue and fawn puppies were culled. It is a mutation and its animal abuse to breed like this because you think its cool . their temperament/health/intelligence is a little more than average of all the dobes i have owned. She is a hand full and always wants too be by your side! They are evey bit the cherished Doberman Pinscher we all know and love. Study up, then post a more informative comment. Since one white and one black allel means a black (and tan/rust) dog, and the white allel is rare, people can have white-carrier dogs without ever find out. Three years ago I had the same concern. This is a difficult question as it is not really possible to tell whether a purebred white tiger has/has not any particular advantage genetically over a normal coloured tiger. Wish the health on my Black/rust dogs over the years were as good as my Cream/white. It is microscopic silver particles in water. Exposure to children is essential to even an adult dog. God bless, poor babys been through a lot. You can use it externally on wounds or internally as well. Reading through all these comments. They are beautiful dogs and behave just as well as any other dobe. American breeders should all be ashamed of there product. At the time I took the white because I knew that she would be spayed because Im not in the dog breeding business. If you need more information about 55+ Doberman Haversham Purebred, you can check the following LINK . Think I can pass him off as a God bless. Yes, a Dobermann is the same breed as a Doberman and Doberman Pinscher. Today. He doesnt have an aggressive bone in his body. We got her in the family when she was about 10 weeks old and now she is 5 years old!! They love you! Black and rust . The good news is we have an article and some pictures about what you're looking for. Also we treat infections with MESOSILVER. Tennessee has a doberman rescue group. These Dobermans actually do have health probs there white coat shouldnt be exposed to sun I had a white dobee before. Amen, Michelle. I am proud to say I own a white doberman male one of the best i have ever had as a companion I also have kids and he thinks he is one of them. Do you know which Doberman colors are recognized or restricted by kennel clubs? Do your research and stop trying to bad mouth the white dobies. That in no way is improving the breed. She said it worked well. Just sayin. It has been what most often leads to fear biting which is not as prevalent in other colors. No one has to be put down anymore these days. The vet could not give me any reason not to keep the puppies or give them away to people who might want or even to sale the puppies. They are not standard. In truth, there are various factors involved that may have deemed one dog bad, while another dog even from the same litter, but who has never been subjected to the same issues. Yeah, I dont take her out in the middle of the day( we live in Florida) but I dont go out in the middle of the day either! I am a dark skinned person i hve stomach problems, light sensitivity, and sometimes i dont behave like i should.should i be assisted with death because of it? Mutt dogs (shelter dogs) make better pets for the simple fact that they are not typically bred for a specific purpose and this gives them (depending on the mix of breeds) wonderful personalities and surprising qualities. Additional advice to the owners. You sound scarily superior to the rest of us Thread from 2 posts above Wouldnt it be nice if we could guarantee that the breeders of the white Dobermans had as much integrity as you think your daughter has ? Were u able to do anything for him. Though this post will probably be burrows by more uneducated comments of nu-uhs and uh-huhs that one could read until they were blue in the face. Theyre not the ones that have the problem I think you need to seek some help. I feel he needs a chance at a much better life!!! Do NOT watch it with young children!!!! How much pain is tolerated so someone can have a cool looking dog? Both are great but only with a reputable breeder. Now what? I bet half of you owners with healthy white Dobies havent seen been to a vet more than three times with that dog. A puppy has more physical needs than the average retieree can satisfy. We rescued him when he was 2 years old and its a good thing we didnt take to heart all the negative comments people write about them. But, when it does happen.when a bitch produces 7 healthy, beautiful babies, of which one just happens to be White, that pup should not be killed. My white may squint in the sun but so do I! He has no signs of cancer. If anyone is a breeder of Dobermans please reply with some info or things i would need to know first!! The medical condition is a specific need as stated and I feel the two breeds are a good mix in temperament Wiems have keen senses and good temperament around kids and people these dogs were bred to stay close to their owners when hunting, they are good breeds that were bred to be in the house as well as accompany their owners outside hunting they are a royal working dog class. However we can trace its roots back to the late 19th century whence it was bred to halt poachers on gamekeepers land.They tried the English Mastiff; Too passive: poachers got away. the average human life expectancy in the u.s. is 78 years, but that doesnt mean there wont be outliers who live longer due to genetics or other variables. But most of them will. I will do all that I can to keep her healthy and enjoy her life, but I encourage anyone who wants to get a Doberman to do the research not on just the breed but also the breeders. It is a FACT they are prone to way more health problems than the other color variations. The dogs are victim to bad breeding which is upsetting and should be stopped. Her mother Aries-color-Black/Rust. I work for a Holistic Vet that created an incredible line of Cat and Dog foodif youre interested, I would love to set you up with some free samples and tell you more about it. Ive been reading the whole situation about the albino dobermans. To make things even more confusing, you also have a "Dobermann" (spelled with two n's) to add to the mix. So there you have it. But it will be years down the road. It is a fault, there are only four allowed colors. Currently I have two of my own Dobermans and one foster I am taking care of until she is healthy enough to be placed in a forever home. 14,568 votes were collected over five years. The white skin is a mutation which occurred most likely to increase absorption off vitamin D in northern countries which is where the white races evolved. I have taken in many dogs that were not purebred and wonderful animals. So Isabella color and the variations- it is totally normal considering this ))))). Ive been studying this breed for about 6 years now and I continue to learn so much. Thanks for sharing your story about your sweet girl. He has had no health problems very easy trained. BTW, two large studies on cardio (one in the US and one in Europe) have shown that 60 per cent of dobes suffer from the disorder. So if you go by that logic albinos are free since it cant even be showed at competitions. Are you still looking for a rescue? About 15 yrs ago when I still lived in the US (Virginia) I was introduced to a breeder of white Dobes. Ive volunteer edo at ASPCAS and many of those dogs have serious physical and emotional issues. Educate yourself, you freaking twelve-year-olds. my family and I are very invested in this puppy his name is Einstein and Id hate to back out on this because weve already grown quite attached to him. Not the standard black and rust. Shes very sweet and affectionate about 6 month old. ahh, its funny to see all the hatred for the white dobbies. You people are freaking impaired if you think breeding a white/partial albino Doberman isnt a terrible act. When we walk in our little town, shes a rock star. As an owner of Dobermans for over 40 years, my opinion is that how you raise, socialize and train a Doberman, or any dog, is so much more important than its color. Our red dobie that is 8 months nowheeats 3 meals a day. All of which are not albinoid. In Sep 2018 we adopted Katie. Well said sir. I will say that a lot of white ones end up out there for rescue or adoption. And all anyone can do is take the best care of their animal as possible. Little kids that dont know him jst run right up to him and want to pet him. Spaying/neuterining is the equivalent of cutting out a womans ovaries or a mans testicles without their permission.would you like for your doctor to do this to you simply because he didnt think you should have children? But nobody cares. Is this a serious post? She has the dobie markingsjust two different colors of cream. And if you sincerely care about shelter dogs, I also recommend you stop whining on the internet and start pushing your congressman for tougher laws punishing animal abusers and tighter regulation of pet ownership and breeding. While we did purchase her from a breeder (or so we thought) we have come to find out that she is very sick. Thats the main goal of AKC, UKC, CKC and any other kennel clubs. If there are genetic problems in a particular line say, deafness or blindness then that could easily be mitigated by careful selective breeding. As far as going from a one person house to a family environment this is doable if the dog is socialized around children. We figured out how to get him to do what I wanted but it took some work. Helene VanHining Rockford IL am listed on AKC web site. The breeder asked had I ever heard of RMS, nope I said, she said what you explained is Red Male Syndromeshe said many poopoo the term, but she said of all the Dobe breeding theyd done over three or four decades they noticed their Red Males were pretty easy going, a little goofy, not as territorial as most bitches, but when the rubber met the road they would step up and protect. : ). Thinking I should get the Red female. He claimed because of the blue eyes that they were not albinos and had a fair amount of references from happy owners who claimed they had no uncommon problems. As an answer to Sara and all others who think white is cool and dont believe websites like You people are a bunch of hypocrites. Compared to intact dogs, neutered and spayed dogs had a 3.5 times higher risk of developing mast cell cancer, regardless of what age they were neutered. I had a Blue Doberman. doberman pinscher puppy. standing up for the standard is what keeps our dobes as wonderful as they are furthering a trait that isnt considered correct (yeah if you love them its correct) then you might as well cross that awesome dobe with that great confirmation intelligence and temperament with a mutt. Do you know they can get cancer if you dont get them fixed? Love your dog and I will Love mine! I am a veterinary nurse and kennel club registered Doberman breeder in the UK. Sorry Evilboo all of that was intended for TexasJul. Hi George, Anyone able to recommend a reputable book, or online site? We have two beautiful donors with no health conditions both albino! How common is it? , Breeders should Produce what they want as a breeder in a dog as long its healthy and functional or not deformed its about your preference because have to feed keep and raise the dogs not another breeder I wouldnt dare breed to please other people like if you like it buy it if not I will raise and be stuck but at least I will be stuck with what I like. Although they are not recognized by the American Kennel Club, they are recognized by other notable dog organizations. The albinos are very hard to take care of i wish people would quit breeding them. During his life span never suffered from any of the health risks associated to dogs specific on either side of his family. While they do typically have high intelligence, friendly disposition, and minimal health issues, the opposite is also fairly common. Hey, I was wondering if they had insurance for pets, where could I purchase the insurance? Katie at that point was 5 years old. The point that the author was making was that they are partially albino and albinism comes with health problems. Somewher down the line, someone decided to select for certain traits, and breed for said traits. Do they have anymore? She already had beautiful manners, we just added a calm environment and patience to her life, which made her the perfect companion for us. I would not buy one and encourage their breeding. I also became very bored reading your snarky reply. We have a rescue white female. The dog should respect who the alpha leader/you decide is allowed into your house or pack. This is natural. Talk to a vet. i will also say that certain people shouldnt be allowed to breed either (like know it alls that are never happy with their own lives) but they do. Bashing someones religion. I grew up with black and reds, and I would like to get another Black and a white. I feel the combination is a great for the medical condition in which I am going to be using my dog for when I get it. They are NOT albino because the gene masks the color. Its like saying youre partially pregnant. The German, or Euro, Dobermans are produced with intentions focused on the working/security dog, as intended by Louis Doberman. Religious bashing is rude. Not only is the white Doberman not albino, but ALL health problems that have been found in white dobermans can be found in other colors as well except for skin sensitivity which is found in all short haired white dogs. Good luck! I can always refer you to my breeder. anyone with as much as a passing knowledge of animal genetics knows albinism (yes, that IS what gives it the white coat) renders ANY breed susceptible to genetic issues. Follow up will be in 2020, but until then no meds nor restrictions are prescribed. All responsible breeders should have the goal of breeding to better the breed, not just to breed because you like the color! Personally Im o.k. We already have hundreds of homeless dogs we do not need more so I feel to not spay/neuter them that would be harming them more than helping them. My daughter breeds dobermans for the better of the breed, she can tell you all you need to know and more of what you want to know. With the exception of running across the field to see Grandma if she was outside. Your grandad was correct about that one Dog our was Cleo. The environment is everything. The Doberman is a powerful and proud dog, a natural protector of its family, with whom it creates one of the strongest animal-human bonds seen among dog breeds. Doctors say it is very possible that nothing has spread and the treatment really isnt going to add that much time for the cost and has no real guarantee. Puppy Prices. As far as loving them as a dog, absolutely. I found that message not helpful in the least, being a person just looking for information on a dog I like. Okay , all of a sudden white/partial albino have popped up and Oh My God it must be a new line of dobs? Did you just comment please dont neuter your dog? The vet treated it for two weeks with no results. I also have 3 reds and 1 black, all healthy. I would break in half and give him twice a week in a cracker with peanut butter. America could be the same way if we stop putting the so called rights of animal abusers above the health and safety of animals. We are to blame for not doing research prior to getting her. But, but, but, hesitate to put this into words, like words would make it more real. I now have a red Doberman, named Primo. Unfortunately I am from Romania and I think it would cost me a lot more as it is also a great distance. The vet said he was riddled with cancer and best to euthanase him. They cannot be shown and you will NEVER EVER find a Champion Albino Doberman. 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