After the invasion of Konoha ends in failure, Konoha and Suna become allies, both having been wronged by Orochimaru. Gaara dreams that he has a happy childhood in Suna with his parents, siblings, and Yashamaru and where he gets to play with Naruto everyday. As an adult, Gaara becomes wiser. The day before the finals, Gaara tracks down Lee at the Konoha Hospital and attempts to kill him, but he is found and stopped by Shikamaru Nara and Naruto Uzumaki. Gaara goes after Sasuke again but is blocked by Sakura Haruno, who reminds Gaara of Yashamaru. Gaara and Shijima return to Suna, Shijima vowing her service to the Kazekage. There isn't any real way to know it because it is never mentioned in the anime or manga, and we can't ask him himself whether he has a last Gaara transforms his right arm into Shukaku's, who has been causing Gaara ongoing discomfort because of the earlier cancelled transformation. Gaara's touching speech before the Allied Shinobi Forces produces a resounding response and is able to mend the rift between the Five Great Shinobi Countries. Gaara's siblings were obviously terrified of him. During his years of caring only about himself, Gaara becomes infamously known as "Gaara of the Sand Waterfall" (, Sabaku no Gaara, English TV: Gaara of the Desert). Whereas Gaara seeks strength only in protecting himself, Naruto seeks strength in protecting the friends he makes. Gaara is disgusted by the news, which the Third Tsuchikage argues he can't understand simply because he's too young. Gaara, Temari and Kankur travel to Konoha to participate in the Kage Summit. On arrival, the Kage rally the surviving forces against the recreation of the God Tree. Gaara and Shukaku attack Madara with Wind Release: Sand Buckshot, slowing his movements so that the other tailed beasts, Killer B, and Naruto can attack him. Gaara retains some social awkwardness as an adult. The man than attacked Gaara, easily piercing through Gaara's sand defence to strike him and steal some of his chakra before disappearing. When collecting Shinki, asking what he learned from going with Boruto, the son simply said Boruto is a slave to his emotions. His reason for pursuing the office is twofold: to show the villagers that he is no longer the fearsome weapon he once was, and so that, by protecting the entire village, he can gain the same kind of strength as As Shukaku's jinchriki, Gaara is able to manipulate sand. Most of the Academy students still fear Gaara and avoid him during their lesson on ninja weaponry. Gaara wakes up after several hours in the underground cavern that Shigezane drew his water from. Temari and Kankur collect him and start carrying him home; along the way, Gaara apologises to them. Chapter 36, 37 - Flashcards; From that point onward he starts moving away from "Gaara of the Sand Waterfall" and starts emulating Naruto instead, improving his relationships with his siblings, making friends within Suna and without, and finding something that he's willing to give his life to protect. Gaara's favourite words are, in the first and second databook. He confesses that he forced Yashamaru to try and kill Gaara all those years ago and to lie to him about his mother in order to test Gaara's emotional suitability as a jinchriki. [27] Nevertheless, Gaara's sand is extremely effective at keeping him safe, earning fame as an "absolute defence" and allowing him to go years without experiencing a single injury. Main article: Kara Actuation Arc Gaara recommends Kakashi Hatake, who the other Kage agree with. Gaara was pleased by this and went out into the village to show some love to those he'd harmed, but his efforts were met only with more fear and hate. Might Guy then joins the fight against Madara and ultimately decides to use the Eight Gates Released Formation. Gaara decides Kimimaro has been brainwashed and uses his sand to drag him deep underground. Gaara and Naruto are both the same weight and height by Part II. In order to prevent unsubstantiated rumours from spreading, Gaara asks that they tell the Sixth Hokage about this. He wakes up to find himself not only surrounded by Naruto and his team, but also his siblings and the dozens of other Suna-nin that have been tirelessly trying to find and rescue him. WebSpotify: with another Naruto rap. Rasa finds this all very strange and asks that Gaara fight him so that he can see how Gaara has grown. About two years after the end of Part I, the Fifth Hokage proposes that their villages hold a Chnin Exam. Through a combination of his Shikotsumyaku abilities and his Cursed Seal of Earth, Kimimaro is able to survive the Sand Waterfall Funeral. Who is Gaara's family? Later on his way to the exams, he was attacked by Urashiki tsutsuki, who recognised Gaara as the former jinchriki for Shukaku. The Geary family was closely associated with the O'Haras from an early time and the chiefs of the two septs alternated as Gaara tells them all that happened at the Summit, including what Sasuke did. At some point, Gaara discovered Shinki who was unable to control his power. Gaara is stopped from killing Sasuke by the arrival of Naruto Uzumaki. This behaviour is partly due to Shukaku, whose voice Gaara alone can hear in his head, who encourages violence at every opportunity, and who torments Gaara with threats to take control of his body if he falls asleep, thus making Gaara an insomniac. Madara responds by dropping a meteorite, which they're not able to stop. It is quickly discovered by F, the third member of the Taki team, who Gaara realises is also a jinchriki. What does the sybol on Gaaras head mean? Gaara on Wikipedia. Gaara uses his sand to protect the Fourth Division from the clone's attacks and then tries to attack the clone with his sand, but the clone is too fast. Gaara places sealing tags on the Kage's sand confinements, but all except Rasa escape. Once arriving in Konoha, he told Sasuke and Chjr about the incident, prompting a speed up for the deciphering of Kaguya's scroll Sasuke took from one of her palaces. Gaara during the Fourth Shinobi World War. Sasuke refuses. As a sign of this alliance, Konoha later requests Suna's help in stopping Sasuke from defecting to Orochimaru. In The Last: Naruto the Movie, Gaara dons a crimson long-sleeve shirt with several buttons and pants that match the colour of his shirt. What is Gaaras last name? WebGaara is an epic unit based on Gaara from Naruto. Like all jinchriki, Gaara can transform into his tailed beast. Gaara is a sharp and innovative fighter. He is not upset by this as he never intended to force Hakuto to marry him, but at the same time he, the Kazekage, can't let them abandon Suna. answer. Due to the speed of the Reverse Lotus, Gaara loses his Shield of Sand and parts of his Armour of Sand are broken away. Kurotsuchi was annoyed to hear how difficult it was to find the last remaining Inner, Code. Gaara and Hakuto are attacked during their meeting. Naruto's shadow clone, having defeated the Third Raikage, comes to join Gaara and the Mizukage, seeing them both, remarks that they make a good pair. Gaara becomes Suna's Kazekage by the start of Part II, signalling the success of his emulation of Naruto. [26] If the Shield of Sand is penetrated, either through speed or brute-force, Gaara also has access to a secondary Armour of Sand covering his body; however, it requires an impractical amount of chakra to maintain for long periods of time and weighs him down. He lacks distinctive pupils or eyebrows, the latter of which others sometimes make fun of. Through the combined efforts of Kakashi Hatake and Obito Uchiha, the Nine-Tails' chakra is reclaimed and Naruto is gotten to safety. Gaara is made commander of the Allied Shinobi Forces' Fourth Division, as well as the commander-in-chief of all the other combat divisions. Secretly, the exam will hopefully draw out Akatsuki, who are after jinchriki like Gaara. On receiving the summons, Gaara travels to the Land of Iron with Temari and Kankur as his bodyguards. Who is Gaaras mother? If opponents are able to get close enough to attack him, Gaara's Shield of Sand automatically protects him from all threats, even those he is not aware of; the Shield of Sand is commonly thought to be Shukaku's doing, an act of self-preservation, but it is actually Gaara's mother, Karura, whose love protects Gaara even after her death. The more of his body that is transformed in this way, the more his speed and strength increases. Their combination is effective enough to force Madara to activate his Rinnegan, which he then uses to drop a meteorite upon the Fourth Division. Gaara however smiled at seeing that Boruto's influence did spark a change in Shinki. Once they've recovered, Gaara uses his sand to transport the Kage to where the Allied Forces are fighting; Katsuyu informs them of what's been happening up until now. Karu was technically born the day her father's Gaara tried to find solace in the fact that Yashamaru had been ordered to kill him, but Yashamaru insisted, lying to Gaara, that he volunteered and that he'd always hated Gaara for causing Karura's death. After Naruto is able to destabilise the tailed beasts' chakra sealed within Tobi, Gaara latches onto Shukaku's chakra and pulls it free. Main article: Birth of the Ten-Tails' Jinchriki. The proctor, Ibiki Morino, though he notices that Gaara must be cheating, can't actually tell what he's doing and is therefore deeply impressed. As Urashiki began revealing copied techniques like Gaara's sand manipulation, Gaara and Chjr managed to capture him in a trap, only for Urashiki to reveal his Rinnegan and escape. Despite his stoic demeanour, Gaara is empathetic and in touch with his emotions, freely shedding tears at Sasuke's refusal to change his ways, and at the revelation of his mother's love for him. What is Gaaras last name? Akatsuki later finds Naruto and B on the Island Turtle and Gaara volunteers to go there to provide additional security, but the Kage decide to send the Tsuchikage instead. Gaara uses his personal sand to crush Deidara's left arm, prompting him to drop his C3 on Suna. Chiyo trades her life for Gaara's, her way of apologising for sealing Shukaku into Gaara in the first place. Confident they can defeat him, they tell Naruto's shadow clone to entrust Madara to them and to go defeat Tobi elsewhere. Anime/Manga Fanfiction Romance. The Fourth Raikage calls for a Kage Summit to discuss Akatsuki's recent activity. After being defeated by Naruto Uzumaki a jinchriki like himself who found strength in his friendships Gaara starts emulating him. Temari helps Gaara dress for the occasion and Kankur advises him on being sociable, giving him a rare opportunity to spend with his brother and sister. Gaara tells all this to Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka while they visit Suna a few days later; like them, he believes that the man was not really Sasuke. Because the Mizukage is protected by a genjutsu, Gaara uses his sand to locate the giant clam casting it so that the Tsuchikage can destroy it. Gaara isn't intimidated by their superior numbers and threatens to kill them too, explaining that it is by killing others, particularly those who are strong, that he asserts his own existence. Gaara is able to keep Shukaku in check under normal circumstances by Part I. Gaara partially transformed into Shukaku. By the time of the Fourth Shinobi World War, however, the Five Kage are convinced by Gaara and this in turn starts trickling down into the larger Allied Shinobi Forces. The clones' onslaught surprises and overwhelms him, forcing him to fully transform into Shukaku. Gaara would try to assure them he meant no harm, but in the process would inadvertently injure or even kill them with his sand. [14] Overwhelmed with grief, Gaara transformed into Shukaku and attacked Suna, which Rasa stopped with his gold dust. Although they briefly defeat him, Momoshiki was able to recover and immobilised the Kage with a stolen Shadow Imitation Technique. He also wears a brown belt and now has a smaller sand gourd which is strapped to his left side. He was born as a demon's host as part of his father's intention to have a weapon to restore their village. Gaara is able to restrain Naruto's arms and legs, but Naruto is able to head-butt him, doing enough damage to force the release of the Shukaku transformation. [35] Gaara's backstory became one of Kishimoto's favourite stories from Part I; Kishimoto had to revise his illustrations in such chapters in as he wanted readers to understand more of Gaara's mental state. Over a year after the end of the Fourth Shinobi World War, Kahy is made the new warden of the Blood Prison. Rasa, accepting defeat, explains that the sand that has always protected him was not Shukaku's doing but rather his mother's, because she loved Gaara from the moment he was born. Gaara tries to prevent Shukaku from being sealed using Desert: Hand, his way of thanking Shukaku for enabling him to meet Naruto all those years ago. Gaara points out how effective the Sand Waterfall Funeral is at eliminating all traces of Metoro and once more repeats that he can't let Hakuto and Shigezane abandon Suna. Orochimaru and members of Taka eventually locate the Hokage, and by helping her heal herself she is able to heal the other Kage. answer. She confides her concerns about Shikamaru's recent behaviour, which has been cold and distant. In battle, Gaara tends to stay away from his opponents and rarely uses taijutsu. Many people (now) call him Gaara-sama when he is Kazekage. Matsuri and Gaara get along well, prompting the Four Celestial Symbols Men to kidnap her in order to get to him. A few days after returning to Suna, meteors start falling on the village and Gaara uses his sand to protect the villagers. The wood clones each use Susanoo and fight the Kage into the night. Yes, Gaara has no last name. When he was allowed to roam around the village, Gaara would try to connect with the villagers, being kind to them and offering them any assistance he could. Gaara came to despise the world, as Gaara of the Sand Waterfall (). Having been warned, Gaara told Shukaku he was grateful, before their connection ended. Madara attacks him in order to stop him, which Shukaku blocks so as to preserve its title as Gaara's "absolute defence". Indeed, upon seeing how much sand Gaara can control at once, the Fourth Kazekage wrongly assumes it is Shukaku itself doing so. Shigezane quickly defeats Shijima and then starts attacking Gaara, using his many water jutsu to convert the area to quicksand. His relationship with Shukaku did improve somewhat when he told the tailed beast he used to hate it, but was grateful to the beast because he was able to meet Naruto due to the painful life Shukaku made him endure. [19] By Part II, Gaara becomes Suna's Fifth Kazekage, tasked with leading and protecting the entire village. In Part II, Gaara wears a long-sleeved crimson coat and full-length dark trousers with a pair. Yes he does, he's pretty petty about it because he doesn't reciprocate his love back Looks like Sasuke and Hinata got the man, Gaara. lol Don't wor With Obito defeated, the Allied Forces head off to fight Madara, the only remaining threat. Gaara, Temari, and Kankur return to Suna, and when they arrive they are informed that the daimy have already authorised the Allied Shinobi Forces' formation. Main article: Konoha Crush He becomes Suna's Fifth Kazekage (, Godaime Kazekage, literally meaning: Fifth Wind Shadow) so that he can protect the village and all those who live there, dispelling the fears he cast on the villagers. He then delivers a speech to the assembled forces, asking that they set aside the factors that once set them apart and focus on what now unifies them: stopping Akatsuki. Gaara is able to capture the Mizukage in his sand again, but the clone keeps interrupting before the seal can be completed. Main article: Sunagakure Support Mission I don't think he ever had a girlfriend or a relationship with someone but I ship him with Tenten, they are pretty cute together even if they only h Gaara dies when Shukaku is removed from his body. Because of heavy cuts to Sunagakure's budget by the Wind Daimy, the Fourth Kazekage wanted to make one of his children the jinchriki of the One-Tailed Shukaku to serve as a weapon for the village. The friends he makes came to despise the World, as well as the former jinchriki for Shukaku to the. End of Part II Inner, Code been brainwashed and uses his again! Defeat Tobi elsewhere like Gaara who are after jinchriki like himself who found strength his! 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