Centralised Aerodrome Weather Information Service (C-AWIS) Project (completion expected 2015/16 FY). Web. The Tailem Bend[11] and Mallee[12] en route sector controllers were appropriately-endorsed and current for their respective sectors. If you have any questions about this product, or you want any other weather or climate information, please contact us. Despite not being passed the updated weather information from their flight operations centre, the crew of Velocity 1384 had two opportunities to become aware of the deterioration in Adelaide prior to being notified at 0844 by the Tailem Bend controller. The broadcast is usually continuous with updates available on a minute by minute basis. In the meantime, Airservices has updated the Manual of Air Traffic Services to ensure dissemination of weather information from locations with an Automatic Weather Information Service should that service be unavailable. Completing the fuel imbalance checklist with low fuel on board would have resulted in the closure of the crossfeed valve (see appendix B). On 16 September 2006 an Airbus A330 landed on runway 21 at Perth Airport in weather conditions that were below the applicable landing minima. The aerodrome forecast for Mildura, valid at that time, contained a temporary deterioration with cloud at 600 ft AGL. In certain conditions, provision for flight to an alternate airport will be required. This aircraft, registered VH-VYK and operated by Qantas, was en route from Sydney, New South Wales to Adelaide before also diverting to Mildura. Reliability of aviation weather forecastsAs a result of this and other occurrences involving observed but not forecast weather, the ATSB has commenced research investigation AR-2013-200 Reliability of aviation weather forecasts. Value. An improvement in visibility was recorded from 1042, when the visibility increased above 3,000 m. The 1-minute AWS cloud data for Mildura Airport showed that the lowest layer of cloud was below 200ft at 0837, with increased cloud detected below 200 ft at 0918. In this case, controllers in adjacent sectors informed flight crew of the amended TAF and SPECIs for Adelaide from the time that the fog was included on the TTF at 0800. A safety issue is an event or condition that increases safety risk and (a) can reasonably be regarded as having the potential to adversely affect the safety of future operations, and (b) is a characteristic of an organisation or a system, rather than a characteristic of a specific individual, or characteristic of an operating environment at a specific point in time. This alert is used to notify flight crew of a sudden change to a component of FIS, not described in a current MET product or NOTAM, having an immediate and detrimental effect on the safety of an aircraft. On 20 August 1999, as the Airbus A320 aircraft, registered VH-HYO, approached runway 23 at Adelaide Airport, South Australia for landing, the crew observed a bank of fog drifting toward the aerodrome from the north-east. Parallel data from Mildura preliminary findings. That is, there was an expectation that the crew would have been told about the fog in Adelaide when the condition commenced. This service responds to in-flight requests for operational information from pilots operating in all classes of airspace on air traffic control VHF frequencies or high frequencies (HF). A draft of this report was provided to the flight crews of Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735, Airservices Australia, the Bureau of Meteorology, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Virgin Australia AirlinesPty. This speaks volumes about their integrity and character. Exposure to weather conditions below the landing minima at Mildura was found to be very unlikely during the period studied. 6:54 pm 12 Jan. This was due to the workload associated with additional traffic arriving at Mildura and was consistent with the MATS priority of giving precedence to traffic separation over the dissemination of weather information. The AIP Australia detailed the various elements of flight information service (FIS), including that pilots are responsible for obtaining information necessary to make operational decisions. This imbalance was likely the result of the crossfeed valve being opened by the crew. At 0916, an air ambulance pilot who was departing Mildura Airport made a call to the Mallee sector air traffic controller, who was responsible for the airspace above Mildura. The BoM Aeronautical Services Handbook (ASH), which is available as guidance for staff, lists the priorities for the provision of services. It provides weather observations as well as relevant operational information, such as the requirement for additional holding fuel and the unavailability of facilities or services. Web. In relation to the provision of ATC-initiated FIS at Mildura, the controller responsible for the Mallee en route sector reported that workload initially precluded them from passing information on the weather deterioration at Mildura Airport. Location. Time: 1011 EST Velocity 1384 on final approach to runway 27 Mildura, lands at 1014 EST. A short AIREP should be provided by pilots when requested and ATS should be advised when a pilot encounters: In respect of the distribution of short AIREPs, MATS section 3-10-930 required controllers to: The pilot of the air ambulance aircraft who departed Mildura at 0916 did not use the term AIREP. The article directed readers to the applicable section of the AIP for more information. The recorded ATC information from the occurrence show that the Mallee controller did broadcast a SPECI to all aircraft inbound to Mildura; however, this did not occur until 0936. To supplement the information already provided, the crew asked ATC for the latest observation reports for Mildura. please use the search box to find your location and then click "set as my default location" on the local weather page. This TEMPO meant that anyone flying to Mildura Airport required either 60 minutes of holding fuel to outlast the predicted deterioration, or needed to nominate an alternate destination airport. A review of recorded radio communication between Qantas 735 and ATC identified that this frequency was also being monitored by the crew of Velocity1384 at this time. During the missed approach, the crew noticed that the threshold area of runway 05 was clear and requested an immediate visual approach to runway 05 before the fog drifted further to the southwest. BoM reported that the fog was observed for approximately 20 minutes after the amended TAF was issued, with low cloud remaining for 45 minutes after the fog cleared. The on-request service is provided by FLIGHTWATCH, the generic call sign of the service. As they taxied in, the captain told the cabin crew to stand down and normal arrival procedures resumed. Provides access to Australian weather forecasts, weather observations, flood warnings and high sea forecasts from each state and territory provided by the Bureau of Meteorology. Meteorological Information for Aircraft in Flight (VOLMET). To use this page in a spreadsheet, get the plain text version (4 kb). However, this service was not guaranteed and as such, the responsibility for checking the weather enroute remained with the pilot in command but may be assisted by the operators flight operations personnel in some cases. The FO reported their recent sleep as normal and that they obtained about 7.5 hours sleep the night before the occurrence. Given the meteorological conditions were less than the landing minima for a Boeing 737, this constituted an emergency. Mildura Weather Forecast, VIC 3500 - WillyWeather. At 0800, the BoM issued an updated trend forecast (TTF)[4], which showed that fog had reduced visibility at Adelaide and was expected to clear by 0900. This TAF included a forecast for mist and a 30 per cent probability of fog, a forecast visibility of 500m and broken cloud at 200 ft AGL for 2 hours. ATC asked them to nominate a latest divert time to proceed to a suitable airport. The definition of FIS remained substantially the same as the 7 June 2007 release of MATS but the section on hazard alerts was reduced to: Use the prefix HAZARD ALERT when communicating a sudden change to a component of FIS which has an immediate and detrimental effect on the safety of aircraft. At 1130, the visibility had increased to greater than 10 km and the cloud was now listed as few at 300 ft. Further information on the Adelaide and Mildura forecasts and observations is in appendixC. The ICAO Annex 3 Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation does not permit the inclusion in a TAF of a probability of less than 30 per cent that a weather phenomenon, such as fog, may occur during the forecast period. Additionally, a review of forecast retrievals for the period up to 2 hours prior to arrival found that 0.09 per cent of the time weather predicted above the alternate minima actually deteriorated below the landing minima. This was based on the knowledge that the cloud base would preclude becoming visual via a normal approach. The Virgin operations manual, volume 1A, section 9.1.3 outlined the post-dispatch fuel requirements for flight crew. 2 main wing tank been consumed, the position of the crossfeed valve at OPEN would have ensured fuel was supplied to both engines from the No. This has happened in so many places. in India, UK, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait) the BoM records the instantaneous highest one-second readings from a probe as the maximum temperature for that location for that day. Altimeter barometric pressure subscale setting to provide altimeter indication of height above mean seal level in that area. Pilot flying (PF) and pilot monitoring (PM) are procedurally assigned roles with specifically assigned duties at specific stages of a flight. The captain reported their recent sleep as normal and that they obtained about 7.5 hours sleep the night prior to the occurrence. It caters predominately for aircraft operating in control areas within VHF range of the facility. In this occurrence, the forecast extension of the fog at Adelaide occurred after DPA, which limited the available options. The MATS also indicated that responsibility for issuing a hazard alert rested with the responsible ATS unit. A timing requirement on the provision of this operational information was also introduced so that pilots were alerted within one hour of the conditions with controllers being able to use various means to communicate the information including: by directed transmissions to those aircraft maintaining continuous communications with ATS at the time the information is identified and that are within one hours flight time of the conditions;[[27]]. Fail operational capability is the minimum capability to conduct Cat IIIB, and some Cat IIIA ILS approaches. At 0816, the crew of Qantas 735 received information about the current conditions at Adelaide. Taking into account aircraft traffic arrival patterns at Mildura, these events, which would not have required crews to have planned for an alternate, resulted in the potential for an average of four aircraft per year being affected by unforecast weather conditions that were below the landing minima. The priority reflects the need to create forecasts and warnings in relation to time critical activities, such as ditching reports and search and rescue activities. As there was no TAF service available for Darlot, the crew was required to nominate an alternate airport on the flight plan. In response to this occurrence the ATSB issued a safety recommendation to Airservices. The BoM forecaster replied that they believed the fog would clear as stated in the TTF. Virgin and Qantas each had a flight dispatch and operations facility that supported flight crew by preparing flight plan packages (including applicable weather, notices to airmen (NOTAM) and diversion information). They were provided with two routine (METAR) reports for Mildura, which indicated conditions were suitable for an approach, with cloud above the landing minima and visibility in excess of 10 km. In addition, once the controllers workload decreased, they commenced passing the latest SPECI and amended TAF information to aircraft at Mildura. The section of this version on the provision of FIS to pilots in flight indicated that the controller was to provide FIS to all aircraft that were being provided with an ATC service. As such, there is still a reliance on services such as FIS to provide pilots with an appreciation of deteriorations in weather at certain airports. Observations were drawn from Mildura Airport {station 076031}. accesses the ABS at a time when the SPECI information is available. On this basis, the decision was made that, given Velocity 1384 was planned to arrive at Adelaide at 0920, they would not be affected by the fog. Pilot weather updating requirements have been clarified and enhanced and ACARS [aircraft communications addressing and reporting system] equipment continues to be rolled out across the Virgin fleet. View the current warnings for Victoria. Critical to the assurance of safe flight is for weather services, air traffic services and aircraft operators to also have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities in the system. The team leader on the day was a qualified dispatcher with over 20 years of experience. The diversion of two 737 aircraft to an alternate airport due to inclement weather at the intended destination did not result in increased monitoring by ATC. Instead, pilot awareness of the implications for the flight of the reported weather conditions is crucial to effective in-flight decision making. When a TAF is issued that is valid for the period 1800 to 2400 UTC (04001000 EST), any current code grey forecast is superseded by that TAF. Consistent with the requirements of the MATS, as Mildura had an AWIS, which was an element of the Automatic Broadcast Services (ABS), the SPECI reports derived from the AWS were not sent to the Mallee controllers console. Manual checking a Mercury thermometer is not my job. Why would you not have the 5 year comparison data available for validation or comparison? As part of that process, each organisation was asked to communicate what safety actions, if any, they had carried out or were planning to carry out in relation to each safety issue relevant to their organisation. At 0936 the controller made a broadcast on the area frequency to traffic at Mildura, informing them of the details of the 0932 SPECI. BoM observations, together with reports from Adelaide Airport tower controllers placed the fog well to the north of Adelaide Airport. At the time of release of this report, the BoM was progressing the action items from the report and will discuss the outcomes with CASA. In fact, Table 1 shows that for the last month of available parallel measurements the electronic probe (Tmax-Probe) often recorded considerably warmer than the mercury thermometer (Tmax-LIG). Further to the use of observation reports, CASAs advice noted: The usefulness of the observation is dependent directly on how far away the aircraft is from the aerodrome. However, by not obtaining the weather for Adelaide while en route, the crew removed an information source that could have resulted in a better awareness of the situation at Adelaide and the opportunity to plan a diversion earlier. The crews of Velocity 1384 and Qantas735 each estimated arriving at Adelaide Airport after 0900. As the flight crew of Qantas 735 was preparing to depart Sydney, just prior to leaving the gate, the 0700 amended TAF for Adelaide was issued. Twenty of those years were as duty manager. This fog was included on the Adelaide Airport trend forecast (TTF) that was issued at 0800 but was forecast to clear by 0900. Western Standard Time (WST) was UTC + 8 hours. This online flood map allows you to search for your property address and gives a better indication of where floodwatersmayreach. Occasionally the destination weather deteriorates, necessitating a diversion. Additionally, subsequent sections stated: 3.3.4 For aircraft in flight, flight information is normally confined to information concerning the route being flown up to and including the next attended aerodrome. The chance of a thunderstorm. This information was reported back to the crew of Qantas 735 as including a visibility of 700 m in fog. I am dragging up my old university stats to understand what you are on about. Flight planning was required to take into account the requirements for holding fuel in lieu of the requirement to nominate an alternate. For example, METARs are reported every 30minutes, SPECI are reported when criteria are met and AWIS reports are updated every minute. The controller subsequently reported initially continuing to give priority to aircraft separation. Unless otherwise indicated, all times in this report are quoted in EST. At that stage, the No. In addition, some of these unforecast deteriorations were observed during approach, meaning the deterioration was only just prior to the arrival of the aircraft. have the term METAR or SPECI appended to the report by the BoM before their distribution, including to ATC, via the Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network. Weather delivered differently. Given the proximity of Leinster to Darlot, the captain also carried sufficient fuel to reach Wiluna in the event that Leinster became unsuitable. By the time the aircraft arrived at the airport, the runway threshold was obscured by the fog. [8] As the AWIS for Mildura was not broadcasting due to an unserviceability, the inbound aircraft could not obtain this information from the AWIS (see the section titled Aerodrome weather information service). They should be taking, and reporting, parallel measurements to confirm that the probes are measuring the same temperatures as a mercury thermometer would. Loops Single images: Radar Site Information . Employed to minimise unnecessary distractions during critical phases of flight. In relation to the use of specific meteorological products for flight planning, the Virgin operations manual for flight dispatch stated: If required to plan a flight which reflects weather requirements (i.e. Indeed, while it would seem reasonable to assume that there would be dozens of reports detailing the results from such parallel studies none have been made publicly available. - Digits on the tank with the lower fuel quantity turn amber. It is horrifying that a taxpayer funded organisation that is supposed to be cutting edge in its field is not following basic scientific principles of verification, normalisation and checking. It could be expected that the results from this ongoing research effort may assist regulators and industry make informed decisions about the need for further infrastructure at major Australian airports. Short haul domestic operations, particularly those under 90 minutes duration, were provided with updated weather and operational information on a workload permitting basis. At that time, the mainstream media reported this as a new record for the state of Victoria, specifically claiming it was the hottest September day ever recorded all the way-back to September 1889. While it is official BoM policy to ensure that there is approximately five-years of overlapping parallel data when there is a site move or equipment change at an official weather station, this policy appears to be rarely implemented. The broadcasts are of 5minutes duration and occur at times 0005 and 3035 (commencing on the hour and half hour). Virgin and Qantas each had a fuel policy within their operations manual, which specified the minimum fuel required, including the necessary fixed fuel reserves. The NOC was responsible, in part, for liaison with the airlines and the meteorologist was querying the conditions at Mildura in relation to Velocity 1384. The BOM are employing clowns? 2. Phone:(03) 5018 8100 The captains relevant aeronautical experience is outlined in Table 1. Mildura Observations. The time period for the provision of SIGMETs (messages about en route weather phenomena that are potentially hazardous to aircraft) was increased to 2 hours in MATS version 6 effective on 19 November 2008. The provision of flight information service by New Zealand ATC and the precedence afforded the provision of ATC services over FIS are consistent with the service provided by Airservices. 2 main wing tank and 1,054 kg in the No. As a result, the crew elected to conduct a missed approach. In relation to forecasts and warnings, the ASH outlined a framework for prioritising tasks. Particular emphasis was placed on prioritising and disseminating information, including the need to document these actions to ensure an accurate record and a common understanding between controllers and supervisors. Furthermore, the BoM does not have World Meteorological Organisation, or any other form of accreditation (i.e. The aircraft was not fitted with HGS. (Weather station: Mildura Airport, Australia). examine the accuracy of aviation meteorological products in Australia, examine the procedures used to provide information to flight crews from air traffic services and management of changes to those procedures, examine the provision by the operators of information to the respective flight crews. This decision took into account the observations at Mildura, which indicated the weather there was suitable for landing. The observation reports issued by BoM at that time indicated that the conditions at Mildura were above the alternate minima for the aircraft, despite the TAF for Mildura indicating a temporary deterioration during the forecast period. The FOs relevant aeronautical experience is outlined in Table 2. Additionally, aspects such as aircraft holding time and the number of traffic movements also need to be taken into account to determine the operational effect and risk of any inaccuracy. This page was created at 00:41 on Thursday 19 January 2023 (UTC), Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2023, Bureau of Meteorology (ABN 92 637 533 532) | CRICOS Provider 02015K | Disclaimer | Privacy | Accessibility, http://www.bom.gov.au/fwo/IDV60801/IDV60801.94693.axf, http://www.bom.gov.au/fwo/IDV60801/IDV60801.94693.json. After the aircraft reached top of climb and the sterile cockpit period ended, flight watch sent a message via the aircraft communications addressing and reporting system stating that the amended TAF now indicated a 30 per cent chance of fog, providing an overview of the conditions at Adelaide Airport and advising that the TTF forecast no significant change during its validity period. The meteorologist on duty had over 35 years of experience, including 30 years as a forecaster with the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM). At 0816 the flight crew received information about the current conditions at Adelaide. The issue of verifying the claimed record hot day on 23 September 2017 is compounded by the BoMs method of measuring temperatures in particular the absence of averaging over at least one minute which is standard for electronic probes. The first was the change to the AIP itself, which included standard amendment bar marking against each changed, introduced or deleted paragraph or text. They reported to Airservices that this was due to high workload at the time, and a consideration that the information in the pilots report did not differ significantly to the forecast TEMPO conditions. MILDURA AIRPORT . On the basis of the weather forecasts at the time the aircraft departed Brisbane, there was no requirement to provide for an alternate airport to Adelaide. Based on the procedure that any current code grey is superseded by the 1800 to 2400 UTC TAF, the TAF issued at 1800 UTC for Adelaide would normally cancel the code grey forecast. - Inhibited when centre tank quantity is less than 363 kg (800 lbs). The Virgin Australia Pty. The FO of Velocity 1384 raised the TEMPO as an issue with the captain; however, at that time the captains attention was on another matter and the TEMPO was not discussed. The FO had recently come off a month of leave and reported their recent sleep as normal. VH-YIR was fitted with satellite communications (SATCOM) equipment that supported telephone and ACARS equipment. In order to use Mildura Airport as an alternate, the forecast cloud and visibility were required to be above the alternate minima. Concurrently, the TTF for Adelaide showed light winds with few clouds with no significant changes expected over the forecast period. Wouldnt it be possible to simply put an electronic probe and a classic thermometer into a Stevenson enclosure or a temperature controlled environment for comparison? The article stated: Aviation special weather - SPECI, which can be obtained from an automatic broadcast service (ABS), no longer needs to be directed or broadcast to aircraft by ATS [air traffic services]. It stated that controllers were to consult a number of sources of information to assess if a hazard alert was necessary. Really? At this time the aircraft was about 156 NM (289 km) to the east-north-east of Adelaide Airport. ATSB Recommendation No: AO-2013-100-SR-057. Forecasting fog for aviation purposes is known to present a number of challenges. The crew of Velocity 1384 reported using the observation reports to confirm their understanding of Milduras suitability as an alternate destination. They could, however, access the weather if requested by flight crew or for their own information. The actions of the flight crew of the second Virgin aircraft to query ATC about the weather update for Adelaide were consistent with this advice. Please use Mid Murray 2% AEP depths (m . A review of the international aviation system identified that Australia is comparable to the international industry, particularly with regard to the provision of flight information services (FIS). Given the prevalence of AWIS at many nonmajor airports in Australia, there remains a risk that, given this 30-minute gap in the availability of weather reports, pilots will not be made aware of significant weather deteriorations at these airports in sufficient time to support their in-flight decision making. These covered SIGMET and weather advisory information, such as moderate/severe icing. In addition to training in core ATC competencies, controllers received training in the classroom and simulator that covered aircraft operational aspects including, but not limited to: Additionally, assessment was made in simulators and onthejob in relation to controllers management of nonroutine events. The BoM reported that their assessment of Mildura at around 0830 showed that low cloud was more likely to occur than fog. The BoM also advised that the forecast for the airport was recalculated twice overnight using the observed 2,000 ft wind speed and direction from the upper wind balloon flights at 2100 on 17 June and 0300 on 18 June. Knowing the value of the record as the basis for multi-trillion-dollar future policy decisions, how much is too expensive to leave a Stevenson box alone except to install a small remote camera to take the readings? The flight plan provided to the crew of Velocity 1384 included the weather and NOTAMs for Mildura, as Mildura was listed as a diversion port in the event of an en route depressurisation. As such, the action to not pass this information to Velocity 1384 was provided for by the Virgin dispatch manual. Transport Canada, in their document Aeronautical Information Manual RAC Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Services section 1.1.1 ATC and Information Services stated that: Flight information service is provided by ATC units to assist pilots by supplying information concerning known hazardous flight conditions. Section 26 (1) (a) of the Act allows a person receiving a draft report to make submissions to the ATSB about the draft report. In this instance, if the aircraft could carry sufficient fuel to hold until 30 minutes beyond any specified time of improvement in the weather conditions at the destination, an alternate was not required. 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