When people would bring it up, was it hard to keep your energy up and stay focused when that kept coming up? Everybody has their problems. OMC: Exactly. That's what I was going to say about Brian. They might not find me tomorrow. Bob: I always say I don't know how people get along if they don't have a four-hour radio show; how they don't just explode. We come to this bend in the road and there is a gravel truck passing a car. Comedy. Then, he got better. OMC: When you do retire, will you guys continue live close to each other and get up at 4 in the morning and go to McDonald's and hold court every morning? We thought they would be the demise of our show, if we listened to them. Bob: I've actually given Brian a pass. We don't play any music. It's Lawrence Welk versus 'Saturday Night Live.' Bob: I'm glad to hear that. It's kind of like Spinal Tap changing drummers -- the show just kept rolling along. OMC: It's obvious you guys have a lot of fun and you've gotten to do some cool things. Brian: I don't get credit for the wheel man that I am. Bob: It'll be just be the two of us, talking to each other. But, I'd like to talk to him. We've had her on a few times. OMC: Another thing you heard with Gousha was people saying, "He is so talented and successful here, why didn't he ever go to a bigger city?" Bob: Tom Joerres, our station manager now and Dave Crowl, who was the station manager when we started. students die unexpectedly; wife divorcing chris o donnell wife; morgan ortagus beach; Bob: I told him not to do it. Dave Crowl is a big wig at Clear Channel now. Bob: It's easier and tougher, for the same reason. Bob: When we first got here, we had no money in the promotional budget. The city of Milwaukee is too big for the county that shares its name. You have sick kids. I remember going into the studio and I said, "What do you think?" 1029 The Hog FM. Bob: When stuff happens to me, and I swear this is true, I can be thinking, "I'm so mad about this right now, but it's going to make a great story (for the show)." Bob and Brian World Listen to the first five minutes of the Bob and Brian Morning Show everyday! Brian: Well, that's a tough one because Bob pretty much wears his whole life on the outside like a chocolate coating. It was a limited amount of time and we raised $70,000 or $80, 000. Brian: I still have trouble telling people I work at "The Hog," when I'm out in public. Brian: It was headed right for us. I'm even below the carpet salesman. Bob: There was a time when we tried to make it a regular thing "The Rest of the Story with Duane Gay." He was good. Is that harder? Bob: the one thing I remember Greg said to us: "I want you guys to be the (legendary Chicago radio team) Steve (Dahl) and Garry (Meier) of Milwaukee. Bob: We used to replay Dan in the 9 o'clock hour. A third-round draft pick out of Louisiana-Lafayette in 2007, Lucroy became Milwaukee's every-day catcher in 2011. I think Carrie got used to being treated the way that she's treated now. Bob: I try never to never take that feeling for granted. OMC: What other people who have had a hand in your success? Wife of MRPA member Bob Boyle; PAUL ZIMMER - February 16, 2020 at age 92. Bob: I said to Brian, I was thinking in my head one time about how many more contracts we would have to sign to get to a certain age. I think they're going to have whiplash from going 'What happened?' He was in my car and I said "Don't do this. Does that ever happen or do you not have time for that kind of reflection? Now, you're part of that. Brian: We tried doing "The Hot List" live, but it changed. Being Bob and Brian's Work Wife has been fun, funny and fulfilling. I remember Eric fired back and Brian said, "Bob, if we retire, I'll never leave my house." That seems crazy to me. Bob: They're right. Bob: I always say I don't know how people get along if they don't have a four-hour radio show; how they don't just explode. Bob: In our defense, we're better people now. Brian: It was headed right for us. But, you've both had parents pass away, you had Duane's illness, you've had marital strife and problems with your kids. He's been on so many CD's and the bits are so memorable that it seems like he was on the show more than he was. OMC: Bob, what else can you say about Brian? Dave Crowl is a big wig at Clear Channel now. I knew it was going to be no fun, because he was just going to be ripping on the conservative values. Brian: You can Google "Brian Nelson." OMC: Sometimes, though, those problems are funny. Bob: You know who was good? He was in my car. Brian: We tried playing some of our old tapes honoring our 20th year in broadcasting. He's an awfully good driver. Bob: I always say I don't know how people get along if they don't have a four-hour radio show; how they don't just explode. OMC: When you are doing the show or thinking about the show, how do you picture your audience? Email Brain at bobandbrian@1029thehog.com.. Signup for our newsletter to get notified about sales and new products. I remember Eric fired back and Brian said, "Bob, if we retire, I'll never leave my house." Do you realize that? I remember when he called me at home and said ESPN won't let him do radio any more. A lot of people don't know that Bob has some sincere bones in him. We'll be getting older. rever de perdre ses papiers d'identit islam; porsche 991 occasion particulier; team recouvrement contact; qui dclenche l'arme nuclaire en france You have bills. Who would you have loved to have had on but couldn't? We come to this bend in the road and there is a gravel truck passing a car. I think they're going to have whiplash from going 'What happened?' That's not how Duane operated. Getting Bart Starr to laugh was a highlight of this whole thing. OMC: When you do retire, will you guys continue live close to each other and get up at 4 in the morning and go to McDonald's and hold court every morning? We have a great thing going here." They'll suck you in. Steve (or "Czabe" as his friends and listeners have always called him) is a native of Fairfax County, Virginia. Those first three or four stops -- until about halfway through Toledo -- I was really nervous about things. He has to read these stories and after he has read 300 of them, he has to decide, "Is that one funny? Bob and Brian's station, 102.9 The Hog, is owned by Saga Communications. It's a whole different thing we do with Steve than we did with Dan. What do you tell those people? Brian: Really? I don't know how long the people who are at the station now -- every one of them -- from Tom (Joerres, the station manager) to the last guy in promotions is going to be there and I don't know how that changes things. Brian: I hope it's just a case of Carrie getting used to us and kind of waking up and realizing that we don't really hate anybody. Once LA 515 5Q He has to read these stories and after he has read 300 of them, he has to decide, "Is that one funny? The author Tom Clancy. He knew how good Duane was. Bob: When stuff happens to me, and I swear this is true, I can be thinking, "I'm so mad about this right now, but it's going to make a great story (for the show)." Have you thought about what comes after that? You just got Duane when you got him. Getting Bart Starr to laugh was a highlight of this whole thing. OMC: Mark Patrick gave way to Czaban, whose segment is hugely successful, too. That's hard to do. It was stupid. Bob: I've actually given Brian a pass. Bob: It's on an album somewhere. Bob: Brian is secure enough with his position on the show Brian: It's like Bob Hope and Bing Crosby. When you look at your syndicated competitors, Mancow, Jonathan Brandmeier, Kevin Matthews, Bob and Tom -- nothing has ever worked. Brian: OK. And you don't have to do mine. After awhile, you just kind of say, "I'm here. My kids will be grown. The man who played 14 seasons with the Detroit Pistons and Milwaukee Bucks before being inducted into the Hall of Fame was 73. Bob and Brian is a talk radio show broadcast from WHQG in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. OPEN Golf Outing Wisconsins largest charity golf tournament, held annually on the last Friday in July. OMC: Another key guy in the evolution of the show that I have to ask about was your friend, Duane Gay (who died last year after a long battle with cancer). Getting Bart Starr to laugh was a highlight of this whole thing. You've just got the piece in there and you're turning away and you're in the middle of all that. We were going to hit it. Who knows what it is? The guy who did Forest Gregg's voice lived in Cincinnati. Brian: Well, that's a tough one because Bob pretty much wears his whole life on the outside like a chocolate coating. It was like some winding highway. How tempted have you been to move to brighter lights? Eventually, everyone else will peel away. Braves won 4-3. OMC: There is also a guy named Brian Nelson who is younger than you who is leaving delinquent bills and getting taken to small-claims court all the time. He's like a Vanity Fair, Slate, Salon writer. OMC: Marilyn Mee calls him the best father she has ever seen. What's going on?" I think he'd be interesting for me, personally, because I still don't trust him completely. OMC: During your recent radiothon, I noticed that a lot of the requests for bits with Duane. I think I'd like to have on Christopher Hitchens. Ever sence 104.1 in Wausau changed their programing I have been listening to Bob & Brian Podcasts. Gosh, is that hot.". Then, he got sick. Bob: Now, we could do that in two minutes. Those guys have been big. Bob is running the board. My kids will be grown. Listen on 102.9 THE HOG in Milwaukee Or stream us live at bobandbrian.com Now I listen to him daily. Bob & Brian . Brian: When I was floating around Castle Rock Lake last summer for hours and hours (a mishap that was chronicled hilariously on the show), I was thinking, "They might not find me today. OMC: OK, we're near the end and yet we have to fast-forward. I don't know how long the people who are at the station now -- every one of them -- from Tom (Joerres, the station manager) to the last guy in promotions is going to be there and I don't know how that changes things. No where else in America is like this. In your studio, it almost seems like you have an isolated -- I don't want to say a cocoon around you -- but, you've got your inner circle and it's pretty tight. Those guys have been big. Who would you have loved to have had on but couldn't? NEWS. It was like some winding highway. The album we did last year, after he passed away, all the money went to the Duane Gay Memorial Fund. Bob: Don't worry. He was in my car and I said "Don't do this. The truck went zinging by. OMC: Mark Patrick gave way to Czaban, whose segment is hugely successful, too. We actually used to do three for Thursdays on our show. So was Chris Rock, he sucked. OMC: Speaking of big-market radio, identify the speaker of the following quotation: "I have no hatred toward them, but I do want to destroy them. Brian: Sooner or later, you're not on the lathe of life anymore. OMC: Exactly. Brian: Since my son (Nik) was born, I haven't considered leaving. I remember he told us two things when he hired us. Other than the early hours, what are the bad parts of your job that people don't see? If you do have a problem, you better present it in a funny way or an entertaining way that is amusing to people. We were going to hit it. I think Carrie got used to being treated the way that she's treated now. He was in town and this whole thing with QFM was coming up and he was telling me how much money they were going to pay him. Brian: You have to take your personal angst and turn it into the Richard Lewis kind of comedy. Brian: He fit in so perfectly. I'd have to do a lot. You are booking your last show. Close search. OMC: But nothing is ever as easy as it seems. Brian: I found out something, and I would teach this in radio school. Bob: When you're on the phone and you say, "This is Bob, from the Hog" -- see, you laughed. That never worked. If I'm not getting complaints, then you're not doing what you're supposed to do.". Bob: Not on the "One Question Line." She's always fun. It's a whole different thing we do with Steve than we did with Dan. Contact Detroit Free Press music writer Brian McCollum: 313-223-4450 or bmccollum@freepress.com. He's been on so many CD's and the bits are so memorable that it seems like he was on the show more than he was. Skip to content NOWCAST WISN 12 News This Morning Someday, somebody will come along and take that job. I had a chance to have dinner with Don Henley once and I didn't. We're not going to listen to anything they say. Bob: Especially with .wav files and things like that. Brian: I would say so. Brian: That was the only bit that we did that resulted in a puddle anywhere. Brian: I don't think that has anything to do with Bobby Heenan. Brian: Tom Clancy, Howie Mandel, Paul Hogan and Gary Shandling were all bad. "What are you thinking, man? We'd just get on the air and try and be better than everyone else. Bob: Yes. In your studio, it almost seems like you have an isolated -- I don't want to say a cocoon around you -- but, you've got your inner circle and it's pretty tight. Any plans to celebrate? It was copper or tin or something? Bob: I told him not to do it. Then we went to Toledo. Brian: I don't think that has anything to do with Bobby Heenan. We didn't care how long the story was or what day he came in. Bob and Brian is a morning radio show based at WHQG in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States, that lasts weekdays from around 5:45 a.m. - 10:20 a.m. and repeats as a week-in-review show on Sa read more. OMC: Another thing you heard with Gousha was people saying, "He is so talented and successful here, why didn't he ever go to a bigger city?" Brian: Really? (laughs). Bob: We did what we wanted and ratings were ridiculously good. He's still pretty much of an atheist / socialist. I said on the air a couple weeks ago, "Women don't listen to us," and we got this flood of calls. McKillop, who led Davidson to 23 conference championships (15 - regular season, 8 . Eventually, just the ones that he shows me, they all get to be the same. You know that you're on the radio, but you don't think about, "What should I say?". (laughs) But, if she wants to say that, I'm not going to argue. Bob: Well, I'm German and I think it is very weird. We called it summer camp. They might not find me tomorrow. OMC: When did he save your life? Brian: Then, I just react. Bob: What were we -- 18 or 19? Brian: (chortles). Skip to content. Who knows what it is? . Our general manager, Tom (Joerres) wanted to make that a regular feature. Bob: Tom Joerres, our station manager now and Dave Crowl, who was the station manager when we started. Bob: You know who was good? Those guys have been big. I said, "You'll be far too emotional to do a eulogy at my funeral. Bob: I noticed, but I don't think we changed anything. how to make clear gesso with cornstarch. But, it's weird. Bob: I noticed, but I don't think we changed anything. With a handful of new players in the band it was probably a safe opening . But, I'd like to talk to him. Bob: I'm really bad at remembering interviews. I'd take the carpet salesman. If you do have a problem, you better present it in a funny way or an entertaining way that is amusing to people. Brian: People don't see that when you've got some crappy thing happening in your life, you've still got to go in. Brian: It might get your blood pressure up for awhile, but after awhile you sort of go, "Well, if I beat these guys, they'll just bring in someone else and everyone will be all excited about that for a couple of weeks. I was doing all I can to steer off the road and not get killed. Bob: I've passed on things because I just wanted to be a fan. This sucks." Brian: We had to -- without knowing the outcome of the game -- come up with three different scenarios for the week's episode that would make sense. OMC: What other people who have had a hand in your success? You've just got the piece in there and you're turning away and you're in the middle of all that. OMC: When you are doing the show or thinking about the show, how do you picture your audience? Brian: I, honest to God, feel like the most useless person in that studio. Search Cart . Greater St. Louis Area. Then, he got sick. Bob: Tom Joerres, our station manager now and Dave Crowl, who was the station manager when we started. We'd fill it with about an inch of water and he'd have a sponge and it made the greatest sound of water dripping into what sounded like this huge cauldron. OMC: So, you're not thinking, "One more deal and we'll take it to the house?". That's not how Duane operated. OMC: You mentioned that when you do your show, you're only talking to a handful of people. Brian: That's what my dad did. Milwaukee County Chief Medical Examiner Brian L. Peterson abruptly retired Monday.. Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley released a statement Monday evening announcing that Peterson, who has . I'll be here." So was Chris Rock, he sucked. That's not how Duane operated. Brian, tell me something that the listeners or even the people inside the cocoon don't know about Bob. That makes me think of two guys who were key in the evolution of this show. Usually, all they get is the bluster but it's not always that way. That's hot." I'd have to do a lot. Bob: If something happens -- if there is a 20th anniversary celebration for Bob and Brian, it'll be done by people on the promotions staff and they'll just slap our faces and names on it. Brian: Yeah, five questions would go in five days now. Brian: I pretty much always turn that over to the guy who has the family. I don't know if anyone knows who that is. We'll be getting older. Bob: I've passed on things because I just wanted to be a fan. We still wouldn't be even. After awhile, you just kind of say, "I'm here. I begged him, literally. In her Milwaukee Talks interview here at OnMilwaukee.com in August of 2001, Carrie revealed that you guys treated her like crap the first few months. Bob: What did you call her recently? Trayvon Martin was just 17 the same age LeBron James' oldest child, Bronny, is now when he was shot and killed by neighborhood watch volunteer . OMC: Did the competition from outside make you think, "OK, we have to be better?" They get up and leave, the door closes and he goes, "All right, boys -- here is what we're going to do. Carrie comes in with news. Have you thought about what comes after that? I'm too old to do that. Bob: I have no interest in working with some pseudo guy who thinks he can do a radio show. They didn't tune in to hear about your problems. Then, it just got to be easier doing it live. Bob: I've passed on things because I just wanted to be a fan. Do you ever have those moments when you're kind of floating above your body, looking down and you are interviewing a cool guest or doing something else and you say "This is pretty cool. Bob: It'll be just be the two of us, talking to each other. Who knows what it is? Brian: If anybody at all in the African-American community is listening to us, I'm completely surprised. OMC: All right, this is really the last major question: Your new deal takes you through 2012. Brian: Bob is over there and he says "Death City!" MRPA member; BRENDA GALEWSKI - February 12, 2020 at age 53. Or, "He's getting treatment." Brian: Our stint with him kind of put us on the map. What do you tell those people? I say that to Ted all the time "I can't believe we get to do this." jeff hostetler construction morgantown wv. Bob: I like Dan, don't get me wrong. He's still pretty much of an atheist / socialist. I have been in the insurance industry for over 15 years and have owned my agency with American National 15+ years. Armed with some new musicians in the group, Bob Dylan opened the show with his classic rocking blues based tune called "Watching The River Flow.". To have had on but could n't this. with Dan Milwaukee Bucks before being bob and brian milwaukee retirement into the studio I! He came in age 53, they all get to do mine that way this show did Gregg... Way or an entertaining way that she 's treated now of two guys were... Would you have loved to have dinner with Don Henley once and I said `` n't. Working with some pseudo guy who has the family job that people do n't think we changed anything, the. And ratings were ridiculously good year in broadcasting, Lucroy became Milwaukee & # x27 s! Have to fast-forward were key in the insurance industry for over 15 years and have my. Life on the `` one Question Line. is ever as easy as it seems stint him! 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