reflection paper on diversity in the workplace

Everyone around you will have similarities and differences, there is a reason we are all individual people, we are all different and have something different to offer. Diversity at workplace is one of the prominent issues in todays world. When I was 11, my summer camp did a workshop on diversity and to be completely honest I went into the workshop thinking I was going to be the one schooling all the financially and social privileged kids on how it really was near the bottom of the barrel. According to an article, the unemployment rate among African Americans is disproportionately high compared to whites (The Challenge of Diversity). People have to acknowledge that not everyone is alike in the world. Culture plays an important part in shaping a persons behaviour. By managing the workplace diversity, companies can increase the overall efficiency that results in higher output. Diversity around the workplace makes the environment interesting that creates an opportunities to discover different ideas and perceptions. After completing this assessment, I learned that I am a diversity realist. For some it has been a boon and for some its a bane. As a result of this experiment, I was able to have better understanding of what it is like to see the world from another persons point of view. It's about being different, so in a workplace, it's about the acceptance of all races. Each assessment measured different parts of my attitudes, and behaviors, within the workplace. Allowing diversity in the workplace could increase work morale, attendance, customers, and efficiency and create a less stressful environment for employees. Issues of workplace harassment, hostile work environment, oppression, Incorporating Diversity into Professional Practice The similarities and differences that exist between you and your work community may have an impact on your work. opportunities are in Washington D.C when it comes to jobs in the public relation career side. (2009). DIVERSITY-REFLECTION PAPER.docx from PHYS 1114 at University of Science & Technology, Bannu. An employer can benefit by having a diverse group of employees, who each bring different strengths with them. In todays era managers are challenged daily with disputes like ethics, diversity, working in teams, privacy, sexual harassment, and handling differences. The story of the conflict between Cindy and Dr. Jones is an excellent case to analyze the elements of conflict and conflict management. Furthermore, these issues are discussed because they are constantly the debatable topics in the workplace. Diversity in my own words would be the equal rights for, people to get opportunities in the same platform, with the qualifications needed, no matter what, race, ethnicity and sex. Diversity also involves economic, educational, and generational differences. 4.If, HIV predominantly infects T-helper cells, cells that are responsible for coordinating B- and T-cell activity. This report will explain what it means to have a gender diverse workplace. Many organizations have recognized that the workforce is changing and they are working to create a work environment in which diversity and difference are valued and in which employees can work to their fullest. Harvard Business Review, 62-71., Despite a vast array of societys attempts to make the workplace equal for all people, discrimination still continues to this day. While learning of cultural competence I became aware of all I still needed to learn and experience if I were to become an ethical social worker. Also, because the immigrants, who were from different cultures, were a fairly new concept back then, people did not understand each other. Within this assessment, I scored a one-hundred and five. It is true that there are some institutions that welcome diversity, and there are actions being done by various people, the healthcare administrators and leaders to, resolve this, however, there is still a lingering question. The textbook, Week 5: Learning Team Reflection I can truly be innocent until proven, Reflective Essay: Diversity In The Workplace. I am a person who appreciates diversity since we cannot do without diversity. Diversity in workplace encompasses respect and acceptance of the differences in the work place creating a positive and safe environment. Organizational diversity is a concept where an institution upholds diverse values owing to the differences in race, experiences and religion, among others. The first day, I met my fellow campers, and I've spent my whole life in diversity. Diversity in the workforce is an important commodity in todays society. Diversity Reflective Essay. Age Diversity in the Workplace Workforce diversity acknowledges the reality that people differ in many ways, visible or invisible, mainly age, gender, marital status, social status, disability, sexual orientation, religion, personality, ethnicity and culture (Kossek, Lobel & Brown, 2005). I can avoid spending time with people whom I was trained to mistrust and who have learned to mistrust my kind or me. Diversity In The Workplace Essay Diversity has many faces that range from gender, culture, ethnicity, race, economic status, physical abilities, and many more, and this can be a problem that can affect many people who are employed or looking for employment in society because they are being judged or discriminated against for their differences. I can be sure that my children will be given curricular materials that testify to the existence of their race. Access is provided via Northeastern State University as a resource for peer-reviewed articles. Diversity helps in bringing exchanges between people with varying experiences and backgrounds. 2. The textbook Read More How Does Diversity Affect Your Work Relationship 1111 Words | 5 Pages In the other hand, some of the weaknesses of diversity training during new employee orientation can be the address. Retrieved June 17, 2010 from, Globalization taking place in the business world today has led to increased workforce diversity as employees from different cultural backgrounds are brought together. There are a number of companies that have been identified by Fortune as the "Best Companies for Minorities." I visualize myself in a university where I can evolve and stimulate my brain with knowledge and innovation, doing research, creating and inventing. An environment where diversity is respected individuals, and united members. A person can be disseminated agonist for their age, disability, gender, religion, or even for being pregnant. Attending the Diversity Experience at WPI would allow me the experience of meeting people of other cultures and traditions in a setting that is not typical of South Florida. Finally, the report will discuss, Diversity in the workplace has been a very knowledgeable course in which sometimes I have been challenged on my own thought process and beliefs. Recognizing the importance of diversity in the organization and effectively manage to ensure the organization and its valuable diverse employees are growing hand in hand. Although some differences might have been overlooked in the past, understanding roles they play in an organizations success has successfully put diversity on the spotlight. In order to manage people; the first thing that I would do would to identify all employees workplace attitudes. Ostensibly, the modern American workplace is a simmering pool of diversity. Workforce diversity acknowledges the reality that people differ in many ways, visible or invisible, mainly age, gender, marital status, social status, disability, sexual orientation, religion, personality, ethnicity and culture (Kossek, Lobel & Brown, 2005). I believe that no man or woman should ever feel powerless or repressed under the control of another, no matter the race. This multicultural world brings out the potential on improvement and efficient, but also comes with that are the challenges. Though I am not in a minority, racially, I am in what . But if business took the time to understand the importance of differences in people so many doors could open for the employers and employees. I believe that all students can learn and that learning is a lifelong process that can be achieved with students, parents, and the community. Second, multicultural individuals are not quite understood in the context of organizations [2](Bell, 1990; Brennan & Thomas, 2010; Hong, 2010; Lee, 2010). MULTICULTURAL DIVERSITY IN WORKPLACE FOR THE TOURISM PROFESSIONALS NAME: LOPEZ, BIANCA ZOFIA In management, the conflict management involves a models, communication skills, and create a structure for management of conflict. Champion these topics with the wider team and actively show support for communities through social media. This reflection paper was an extension of this learning, and provided a deep introspection about leadership concepts; how did I, how am I, and how can I apply this knowledge in my workplace. In human resource management we learn that diversity is a strength to any organization. In a majority of diversity training programs, curriculums seek to minimize open . I can honestly say, I learned a lot about myself while taking a few of these assessments. According to Malvin and Girling (2000), workplace diversity potentially contributes to competitive advantage for the organization as roles within the organizations remain distributed on the basis of professional competence and specialization where important aspects of problem solving and enhanced creativity emerges. In organizations, its common for. DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE 2 Reflection Paper # 1 Diversity in the Workplace For this reflection paper, Public Relations is one of the careers which got my attention while doing the Focus 2 assessment. When transmen look passable, they find themselves accepted by men as one of the guys, something they are not used to. Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. In this era, I, thought it is expected that people have become more accepting when it comes to different races, and ethnicities. With diversity, you are sure to have a successful business today working environment. (Ted). But I soon realized, at quite a young age, just how wrong I was. Firstly, the report will identify programs that currently target gender diversity and what they are implementing to combat such an issue. When beginning this course, I had little knowledge of the depth of diversity found in our world today. In conflict management, I had experienced a manager to handle the conflict by compromise, the conflict was about that the employee his salary goal not fulfil by his hard working. Perhaps the question can easily be answered by a no. Diversity could be explained in so many ways because of its meaning to different people., Diversity is all around us. I served eight years on active duty. Statistics show that the higher in the workplace you go, the whiter it becomes (Seal, 2012). 2. Reflective Essay On Workplace Diversity And Culture, 1. Also I have learned that Inclusion drives the business case for diversity. There have been few times when I felt as though I was being discriminated against, but when I did, it was not a good feeling. In this diversity in the workplace paper we will focus on discrimination in the workplace, federal and state legislations regarding workplace discriminations, the responsibilities of human service manager to handle the issues, and the effects of such discrimination on development and management of human resources., Making sure that equality and diversity procedures are followed in a business will secure a general feeling of fairness and security for employees and employers. 712 Words3 Pages. In the past, whites have been huge culprits behind discrimination and oppression, and that power alone keeps the success cycle going. Donald Schon (1983) identified that learning in practice could be enhanced by 2 different kinds of activity Reflection in-action and Reflection on-action. 1. The dimensions of diversity include race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, language, culture, regions, mental and physical ability, class, and immigration status. The corporate leaders are faced by global challenges on how to handle diversity. Some may think that living in South Florida provides quite a bit of diversity, but in such a large city as Miami, our day to day activities do not actually expose us to a numerous variety of cultures as one might think. It is vital that a spirit of understanding and edification is active amongst the students and from the teacher (Romans 14:19, King James Version) to produce fruits of mutual respect: reduced bias, positive academic outcomes, enhanced problem solving, and healthy group dynamics (Cousik, 2015, p. 54). Course : Diploma of community services Unit code and name : CHCCCS004 Assess co-existing needs Q 1. References: Esty, K, Richard G, & Marcie S. Workplace diversity. Diversity is a about the person or organization differ from age, race, sex or ethnicity to another (Strachan, 1951). While diversity is most notably tied to race and religion, the idea of diversity goes much further including age, experience, time with a company, gender, and many more factors (Greenburg, 2004). Therefore, in order organizations to realize the benefits of the diversity in their organizations, the human resource managers need to effectively deal with diversity issues in the work place (Rosenwald, Mitchell, et al. Diversity originally was referred to as race, gender, or sexual orientation, but today its meaning has expanded. Introduction INTRODUCTION I am a white-passing Native American female, who lived in a city which has a predominantly, 63.7 percent, Black population.. In an attempt to truly understand each employees attitudes, I would have each employee complete a small survey that is similar to the assessment that I took within this course. This writing exercise uncovered new meaning and insights while both challenging and supporting certain personal views and ideas about leadership. Carla Wilson. Workplace Bomb Threat Staff work at a community centre that runs. When diversity is not welcomed with willingness, many problems which can be detrimental to the staff and organization as a whole ranging from conflict and tension to staff leaving the company, can occur. The first assessment that we took was about my attitude toward workplace diversity. Diversity in my own words would be the equal rights for people to get opportunities in the same platform, with the qualifications needed, no matter what race, ethnicity and sex. Employers who are able to accept and make appropriate allowances for their workers differences are likely to have happier employees, as a result., Diversity is a very important part in today 's workforce. Workers that can embrace the differences of their coworkers, have a better ability to relate to others, and work better together. Culture plays an important part in shaping a persons behaviour. To be able to go further in this paper one should understand the definition of diversity. Her findings show that existence of the Jim Crow laws have yet to fully disappear from society like many believe they have, when it fact, the restrictions of the Jim Crow era have merely been reinvented in the form of the United States federal justice system. Cultural values and beliefs provide a framework for people to make assumptions about and respond to their situations and or circumstances. A diverse workforce is a reflection of a changing world and marketplace. The hypothesis of the study is leaders with diversity training, who manage a diverse work team,experience higher levels of productivity. was photographing a particularly heavy spraying session going on over the skies of Raynham, Massachusetts (in America) the other day, as I have become wont to do. Recruit and help source diverse talent. I had the phrase I don't see colour coined. 6. The book has compiled extensive current information on social policy trends, legislative and demographic, as well as the analysis on causes and effects, 239). Also, people have different Cultural intelligence, which is defined as the person 's capability to function effectively in situations characterized by cultural diversity. Respecting individual differences will benefit the workplace by creating a competitive edge and increasing work productivity. Are we welcoming diversity or is there. Also included will be a rough outline of the entire contents of the manual and the table of contents for the manual., This is something all of my staff are trained on and feel comfortable handling. It relies on age, religion, culture, gender, status, education and many more. Kelli A. In a workplace there are standards and policies in place to decrease the chances of a person being discriminated against. I lived in a small town, which acted as a shelter from the harsh realities faced by many ethnicities, but also prevented me from experiencing cultural diversity. The paper is a reflection of how I feel after reading Peggy McIntoshs handout., Michelle Alexander depicts the grim reality for many young African American men in todays society in her book the New Jim Crow. Cultural diversity can affect the workplace in numerous ways. A healthy working environment is centred on diverse people in a place of work were staffs and employees feel acknowledged for the effort they do and are urged to keep up a healthy lifestyle. Even though there are individual differences exist among people, still they should be treated fairly in the workplace. 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Employers who are able to accept and make appropriate allowances for their workers differences are likely to have happier employees, as a result., Little lady, it's best you get out of here, it's not safe for you here., it's a phrase I heard more often than not while living in Baltimore, between the ages of nine and eleven. Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. Diversity entails the way employees perceive themselves and others affecting the way they interact with others in a working environment. When I first heard this phrase I was convinced the officer and the city workers were just worried for my friends, who happened to be African-American and Latino, and I as a whole and just chose me out of the group to speak to. Work force diversity is basically the study of different variety of people working in a workplace. Diversity is being different from others. 10. When asked about diversity in the workplace he stated that diversity was an important part of the workplace. Positive impacts can include building a sound knowledge base fellow colleagues, which can make for smoother integration of the organization into foreign cultures. For most new immigrants, the jobs are hardly luxurious. Moreover, it includes differences in religious beliefs, education, experience, and family status. The importance of accommodating diversity has been persistently high for and supported by people all over America for decades. Although there was a diverse staff, the organization lacked diversity initiatives. Having a wide range of cultural backgrounds are useful in the diverse costumer case that the every parts of the world have. They are dealing with the problems that arise when people in the workplace communicate. However, there are instances where it can be departmental. Week 5: Learning Team Reflection Some may think that living in South Florida provides quite a bit of diversity, but in such a large city as Miami, our day to day activities do not really expose us to as many different cultures as one might think. That resource is my mind. Diversity As I read this article Sarah Fister Gale explains that there are many reasons why diversity is not always the best thing that a company could have. They are dealing with the problems that arise when people in the workplace communicate. With the incorporation of diversity in advertisements, employees, and superior positions todays workplace is more diverse than it has ever been. Although most of time they do it unintentional, they can develop tendencies toward acting in some ways that suggest their subculture is a superior to all others. I can be pretty sure of having my voice heard in a group in which I am the only member of my race. Diversity is not a new concept in the workforce, but. He believes, as I do, as all should, that white privilege is real, and my experience in life has proven it so, that I benefit in way I don't even realize. When the employees feel like they are a part of the solution, they are more willing to participate in the implementation of the decision, even when the decisions are not their preferred outcome (Runde, C. E. Article Summary Through every generation, equality has rapidly grown, but the fact that it wasnt established as a basic human right in the first place shows the complete egotistical arrogance whites have shown and still, to a certain extent, show today. The employer will benefit of a business with increased productivity, which retains qualified workforce and can use the varied background experience to deal with day by day business challenges., Despite a vast array of societys attempts to make the workplace equal for all people, discrimination still continues to this day. Another problem with multiculturalism facing the Canadian workforces is that some immigrants credentials are getting overlooked and not being accepted because they dont have the mandatory communication classes or skills to apply for the desired job. Starting with the basic question what is this workplace diversity .It is an environment created by individuals with wide range of characteristics and experiences which may include race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, capability, and sexual orientation. Thing that I would do would to identify all employees workplace attitudes the employees! Am in what people with varying experiences and backgrounds rate among African Americans is high. Paper one should understand the definition of diversity training programs, curriculums seek to open. Workers that can embrace the differences in the workforce is a concept where an institution upholds values. 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