A Dragonborn dances around a fire, emulating the movements of a Dragon he studied so long ago. Upon reaching the 14th Level in this class, you achieved a complete understanding of life, which has imbued permanent effects in your own body. Evil Biomancers spread disease just to see its effect, and produce horrid aberrations most vile. Immediately, the creature's hearing is overwhelmed with a high-pitched static that pierces into the mind, intensifying as the creature looks at you.The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. In addition to these effects, you have unlocked an even better control over the magical forces that govern life. In this state, he may still use the power of microbe touch without issue. All allied creatures within the affected sphere are imbued with the natural magic used in the Biomancer's constant experimentation. "The Hivemind, the brute, the caster" - what are these? Factors such as morality are inherently irrelevant. How many levels of exhaustion can I ignore or cure? If you already have proficiency with these skills, you may choose one additional skill proficiency for each proficiency you already have. Made using 'The Homebrewery' by NaturalCrit. Please note that we define a homebrew as content that provides a stat block. Forever? While in this form, you may expend five microbe points as an action. Biomancers of this code are capable of self-sacrifice in protection of nature and their allies. If you expend at least 10 points on an allied unconscious creature, they automatically succeed on a death saving throw and return to 1 hit point. Touch of Life (Ex): Good biomancers can now choose to heal HP instead of ability damage with their microbe touch. If these conditions are met, make a Wisdom check with a DC determined by the DM. Pyromancer. Organizations: Medical groups and hospitals are where the biomancer shines (the good ones at least). Stem Cell Reservoir. If you are attacked by a creature within 50ft of you, you may expend 5 microbe points. Biomancers admire druids, as both of them are in touch with nature. A successful Heal check reveals what kind of poison the creature possesses. Adherants to the Code of Preservation revere nature and the cycle of life. You lose the ability to speak, cannot cast spells, and cannot apply force to any surface or object. In one, a disease that has plagued the village for months. The effect is identical to the casting of a Gaseous Form spell, except it lasts for 10 minutes/class level, only affects the biomancer, has a fly speed of 20 ft. (perfect), and possesses a 20% miss chance as their form blurs (this does not stack with the blur spell). Adaptation: Trump up the aberration aspect, and the class becomes Alienist for divine casters. Do you like D&D? They may swear a new code of ethics without a spell, but doing so causes them to lose 200 xp per character level for their sudden change in focus. You regain expended uses of this feature after completing a long rest. The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or be blinded for one round. The effects are typically permanent. On a success, they take half damage. Starting at 10th level, you unlock the ability to channel your magic into inorganic compounds. Inside a body, he is completely concealed and may continue to inhabit the body even after his host has died. They do not count towards your number of prepared spells. They may apply the penalty to any ability score they see fit. Starting at 2nd level, you may use a bonus action to touch a willing creature. Their expertise and powers are of microbes, spores, and the building blocks that make up nature's most wondrous creations. These microbes are represented by microbe points, which allow you to augment magical effects or cast them without substantially impacting your own life force. Additionally, they may use their reaction to breathe in the microbes. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Biomancers are proficient in all simple weapons, and light armor, but not with shields. You gain proficiency with the Medicine and Nature skills. For example, if underground the area becomes lit with translucent silk worms and a warm green moss coats the floor. If these hit points would exceed the creature's maximum hit points, the excess become temporary hit points instead. Inhibitor (Ex): Biomancers who take this ability are adapt at getting past creatures with powerful regeneration. He may once again use spells which have vocal components, but still requires eschew materials or still spell to cast his spells. Generally, influencing an aberration in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. You know the druidcraft and thorn whip cantrips, both of which are considered Wizard spells for you and dont count against the number of cantrips you may know. Once activated, they can be used to create any biohacks you know. He becomes immune to all forms of poison. You gain proficiency in all of the following: Arcana, History, Nature, and Medicine. At levels 7, 11, 13, 17, and 19, the biomancer gains an additional use of this ability per day. It does not learn bonus tricks, instead its Int score becomes 3 + the number of bonus tricks normally listed for an animal companion. Biological Empathy (Ex): A biomancer can understand people by the very base chemicals and pheromones in the air. Taken a second time and if the biomancer is at least level 15, it becomes ability drain, and the biomancer gains +2 hp per drain dealt in hp. This class is a definitely one of the more complicated I've come up with - I had to read up on a lot of rules on Spell Ranges, the difference between Natural Weapons and and Unarmed Strikes, how D&D monsters are put together. 0Acid Splash, Inflict Minor Wounds, Touch of Fatigue, 1stCure Light Wounds, Inflict Light Wounds, Ray of Enfeeblement. You gain the ability to cast shapechange on yourself without expending a spell slot, rewriting your DNA temporarily to accomplish the feat. Starting at 3rd level, your efforts have made you an ally to the creatures who call the natural realms their home. At Higher Levels. This supplement includes 4 subclasses, 11 new spells, and 3 new backgrounds. In an instant, he consumes the contents of both vials and braces for the consequences. $3.50. It's always incredibly difficult to balance a feature that has a ton of options, because it's almost impossible to predict every combination of features. After a bout of combat or an arduous task, a biomancer is likely to consume a quantity food that would otherwise seem unrealistic for a creature of their size. You may use your test subject to test diseases, poisons, and cures. While in your new form, you gain the following benefits. In addition to all druidic spells, add the following spells to the biomancer's class list. "I wanna make this the Mele Fighter Archetype, but don't want to put the Fighter Class out of business.". A biomancer becomes immune to disease, both mundane and magical. To the Biomancer, flesh is like clay, to be shaped and moulded into beautiful and terrible forms. You immediately choose how to distribute this pool among creatures within 50ft of you. You're looking at putting fighters, monks, clerics, and possibly more out of business. Alignment: Any Lawful. You may not use this feature again until you have completed a long rest. As an action, you take damage equal to half of your maximum hit points that can not be reduced in any way. If so, you need to specify that I select two creatures to start out with. A biomancer can turn into a cloud of microbes himself, and infect other beings like some kind of disease. How long does it last? However, their affection for nature often escalates to a state of reverence not unlike a druid. I love to travel wherever my studies take me. Starting at 4th level, you gain the ability to discorporate into a cloud of microbes flying in the air. Biomancers generally have intriguing relationships with druidic tribes that tend toward extremes and are rarely neutral. We can help you join them in sweet marriage fit for a king. Heeding the call of nature's unending evolution, biomancers are masters of manipulating the organic. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don't count against the number of artificer spells you prepare. The creature's Intelligence score increases to 10 and its Wisdom score increases to 12. Regardless, biomancers of all alignments acknowledge the primal forces of nature as the source of their spellcasting and generally humble themselves before deities of such power. The source of his alien creations is not study into the workings of life, but channeling mad powers from the Far Realm. The microbes immediately wreak havoc on designated hostiles in the area. He can also enter cell form, a potent defense, acting as a living disease. While in Cell Body, you may occupy the same space as up to two allies within ten feet of each other. False Life. The microbes infect the creature's ears and temporarily hinder the creature's hearing. Version 2.7.4. They have enough troubles worrying about dragons and undead, a plague is absolutely devastating, but a biomancer can save them. When the familiar would die, you may immediately expend three microbe points to stabilize the creature. By spending 5 points they can duplicate the effects of a contagion spell. However, biomancers utilize their own microbes to sustain the effects that define their powers. If you already have proficiency with these tools, you may choose one additional tool proficiency for each proficiency you already have. 1-3 HD: Share Spells, as the familiar ability of the same name. Is this supposed to indicate that I can use the Help action at range? At 13th level a biomancer has discovered how to control his movements in such a way as to employ the somatic components for spellcasting. However, if subject to remove disease while carrying diseases, he takes 1d6 damage per disease, and loses one disease he currently carries. Starting at 2nd level, during a short rest you can choose to automatically regain 2d8 hit points in addition to hit points regained through the expenditure of hit dice. The microbes infect the creature's senses and trigger horrifying illusions. Full casters can't do that. What have you spent your life researching or studying? At 6th level a biomancer gains continuous detect poison, and can detect poisonous creatures as well. Their goals are usually centered on the fulfillment of a vision for their own destiny. If the creature fails, it takes poison damage equal to the spent microbe points multiplied by your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) and is considered poisoned. The desk contains writing instruments, scientific apparatus, chemical solutions, a ream of fine parchment paper, and a small figurine of the Biomancer's animal companion that models after their current mood and condition. So are the cytoplasts an arcane focus, or are they consumed when I cast a spell? Races: Races which produce wizards also produce Biomancers as both require an amount of study and knowledge. With a bit of preparation and foresight, you can be perfectly outfitted to take on nearly any threat that faces you that day. You can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Additionally at the 2nd level, your studies into the mysteries of life have unlocked various spells for you that other wizards are unable to comprehend. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be frightened for one round. However, you may retain concentration on any spell already cast. Scientists make up a spectrum of people united by their curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Do you like using your imagination? No exceptions ever. Every saving throw against those effects is rolled with advantage. On a failure, you lose an additional 5 hit points for every microbe point generated. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and doesn't have to move away. The Scientific Method So, is this an action? As an action, you may make a contested Wisdom ability check against the creature's Wisdom. The Biomancer table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level or higher. However, they share a similar characteristic in bearing a raw hunger for knowledge. Do the PCs allow him to commit this act of genocide, even though it will likely stop the goblin raiding parties assaulting the local towns? As a result, you gain the ability to take on one such creature as a companion. If a biomancer later gains the epic feat Extended Life Span, he instead becomes immortal as he discovers the means to constantly refresh his body. We're back to the critical question of "How many Cytoplasts do I have and how many can I make before a long rest"? Wreathed in flame and fury, a human man stands surrounded. Durations, please! Though the devils that oppose him try their hardest to near him, his flames cut them short before they can do so much as lay a hand on him. The halfling girl standing before him disperses into a cloud of sickly green spores. A biomancer can also use this ability to influence an aberration with an Intelligence score 3 and above, but he takes a 4 penalty on the check. If you prepare the 1st level cure wounds, you can cast it using a 1st-level or 2nd-level slot. A biomancer may turn the aura on or off as a swift action. The effect is the same of a Animal Growth. Evil-aligned biomancers, on the other hand, utilize their powers for malicious purposes and bend nature to the furtherance of their agenda. Though I am gifted in knowledge, I do not quite understand social norms. My research nearly killed me once, and I still haven't recovered. An important question to ask yourself is why is my character a biomancer and not a druid? Even some paladin classes may be acceptable, and the Microbe Touch may substitute as Lay on Hands for requirements. These spells are considered Wizard spells for you, despite not appearing on the Wizard spell list, but they must be prepared as normal. If you cast a spell in this way, the spell does not consume a spell slot and functions as normal. While in this form, the following rules apply: You may use the Cell Body feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). Any time your subclass takes the base class and radically changes it into something completely different, you're walking a dangerous line. As a biomancer, you gain the following class features. You cast the spell without expending a spell slot or needing to provide material components. He can spread out this healing over several uses. Races fond of druids may also create biomancers as an effort to study the forces which their druidic brothers command. Not only are Wizards the only class capable of gaining access to new spells between levels, but they can also alter their Prepared Spells every morning. If you do so, the hit points that must be sacrificed is reduced by five for every microbe point spent. If they succeed, they take half as much damage. Les meilleures offres pour Exercices latins. It is rare for a biomancer to serve a deity. Taken a second time, this ability becomes a swift action. All targets within 30 ft., including allies, gain 2 on saves against disease and poison. Poison Scent (Su): A biomancer is inhumanly aware of the chemicals given by biohazards. Body Vigor (Su): At 7th level a biomancer may stimulate their body into action. When you do so, your form obscures them from adversaries, imposing disadvantage on nonmagical attacks against them that rely on sight. So I have mutations I can apply to my creatures. An atonement spell, or a new oath requiring 200 XP per character level, is required to re-acquire one's powers. Scientists come in many forms, but they are cut from the same fabric of curiosity, experimentation, and discovery. In addition to the druid powers, you gain the following modifications as well. Constitution is important for any build, as is Dexterity to shore up their lack of armor (although they have no penalty for wearing armor, should they pick up proficiency). Additionally, you may create a password that, once spoken, makes the speaker immune to the effects. I don't care about the ramifications of my research, let society sort out the consequences. Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to glean information from difficult sources. Casting the spell doesn't remove it from your list of prepared spells. Starting at 6th level, your body has become accustomed to poisons and diseases and you have built up biological countermeasures to each. You may not use this feature again until you have completed a short rest. You may not use this feature again until you complete a short rest. If this damage would reduce you to 0 hit points, you remain with 1 hit point instead. I became a scientist to save someone and I failed. Touch of Decay (Ex): Evil biomancers now deal ability damage instead of ability penalty with their microbe touch. Starting at 20th level, your understanding and control over the organic is complete. At later levels, your cell body feature improves as follows. Essence Codex states that I can create living creatures at level 1, but I don't gain Decanting until level 2. The Biomancer. I still think that you've got a problem linking this to hit dice and not CR. Spells: Biomancer spells are based on Intelligence for determining both spell DCs and spells per day, as well as the highest level spell available to cast. I can be rather unkempt and narrowly focused. Average Rating (7 ratings) Step down from Ravnica's street level into the Zonots of the Simic Combine, where the water's calm surface hides an ocean of scientific intrigue. You have things like feature fall and stinking cloud in the list. Starting at 15th level, your gathered knowledge coalesces into application. Good aligned biomancers generally pick up the oath of doctors to heal and cure the wounded and sick, while evil ones pick up oaths to spread disease for sick knowledge and warp the bodies of others. Attacks made against you have the same chance to miss you as they would if you were in Cell Body. You may make a magical melee attack against a creature. Like a member of any other class, a biomancer may be a multiclass character, but multiclass. Seeing his allies near death from the dragon's last attack, a human stands defiantly. He may force a concentration check for enemy spellcasters to cast spells, with a DC equal to his infection DC. The magic of a biomancer is curious in form. I would like to point out that a Brown Bear as listed in the MM has four hit die - 4d10, specifically. You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background. Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, 4 at 1st level) Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. On a failure, the creature immediately takes its turn to attack a creature of your choice. A tribe that prioritizes the sanctity of nature as it is will likely shun a curious and experimenting biomancer. Rapid Recovery (Su): A biomancer knows how to manage their body. As a result, many are prone to a sense of megalomania, considering themselves a sort of apex predator. If the result is a 4 or less, the attack misses. These microbes intensify the damage that you do to the creature. Hostile creatures in the area must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. Whether this knowledge is to aid some species, eradicate them, or for knowledge's own sake; a biomancer yearns to understand the deeper secrets of the natural world. Vers 1930. sont sur eBay Comparez les prix et les spcificits des produits neufs et d'occasion Pleins d'articles en livraison gratuite! So the creatures are permanent? On a failure, the creature is aware of the attempt and is immune to further attempts for 7 days. If you succeed on a saving throw that would halve incoming poison damage, you take no damage instead. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the wizard spells you know with another spell of your choice from the wizard spell list. They rely on spells and knowledge, and when the going gets tough, on both their personal augmentations and the assistance of their test subject, a sort of animal companion, to defend themselves. They heal with the best of them and can protect a party from harm even better than a cleric at times. I consistently manipulate my research to better fit the needs of those who provide me funding. "The Biomancers hit dice upgrade to 1d8" This is a mechanic that's just not done. "During that time, a biomancer may spend their Action or Movement on their turn to have the bonded Creature use its action or movement". The following spells are added to your School of Biommancy spell list: Back to Main Page 5e Homebrew Character Options Subclasses, https://www.dandwiki.com/w/index.php?title=School_of_Biomancy_(5e_Subclass)&oldid=1575460. Those who reach this level of success can find out information on a specific biomancer, his location, fame or infamy, and other juicy tidbits. From that point on, he may spread his disease as normal for that brand of sickness, such as by touch or fluids. Aura of Decay (Ex): The biomancer gains an aura which weakens the immune system. On a failure, they take full damage and are considered poisoned. $3.50. To cast one of these biomancer spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. They may spread this healing out over multiple ability scores and multiple subjects as they see fit. Microbe Touch (Su): Biomancers command biological systems by force of will. However, the allure of vast knowledge attained on a quest or campaign are bait enough to achieve a knowledge biomancer's keen interest and efforts. At 1st level, you create a Biomancer's Pack, a magical bag of tools and reactants that can be used to create mutagens. From 2nd level on, recovers his biomancer level on hit points per round. Neutral Good Armor Class: 17 ( splint armor) hit Points: 110 (17d8 + 34) Speed: 30ft. If successful, he may cast spells normally, assuming he could cast spells in cell form in the first place. Two political factions vie for power against one another, framed in a bizarre world of evolutionary research, where biomancers research to improve life . A stream of microbes spews from your biomancer focus and is imbued with natural magic. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. I'm confused as to how this differs from other creatures I decant? Taken a second time and if the biomancer is at least level 15, they gain the ability to recreate the effect of regenerate for 10 points. You prepare the list of biomancer spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the biomancer spell list. Poison Use: A biomancer often handles dangerous chemicals in his study. Skills: Choose two from Medicine, Nature, Arcana, Investigation, Survival, Insight, and Perception. In the other, what he finally hoped was a cure. In the plane of Ravnica nearly all the innovation and advancement in Simic bioengineering comes from the work of biomancers. If the caster spends at least five minutes meditating in the sphere after it has been cast (dispelling it afterwards), they may recast it by expending 40HP and a >=4th level spell slot. Although you are quite skilled in the realms of academia, your research assistant is an astute combatant. Flavor text, Stories, Images and/or Maps alone are not homebrew! If you are already proficient in the chosen ability, you may gain expertise instead. After using this ability, you may not use it again until you complete a long rest. You may expend any number of microbe points. The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or by deafened for one round. Good Biomancers are doctors, curing disease and improving the body. I don't just have "Essence" and today I can create a bear, and tomorrow a Gelatinous Cube? If you fail the save, you take half damage. While the Biomancer was developed specifically for the Caphora campaign setting, which you can download free from our website, it will work with most existing campaign worlds, especially . Tool Proficency You gain a pool of points equal to half of your maximum hit points. Venom Immunity (Ex): At 8th level, constant contact with biohazards has made the biomancer hardy and strong. These spells also do appear in your Wizard spell book, but are inscribed with special Alchemical sigils and symbols that are incomprehensible to Wizards not apart of the School of Biomancy. When you expend a spell slot of 3rd-level or higher, you must sacrifice five hit points per level of the spell slot above 2nd to cast the spell. To cast a spell as a ritual, you must spend an additional ten minutes allocating the necessary magic and biological power. Sleep, 2ndAcid Arrow, Alter Self, Calm Emotions, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds. It is easy to find similarities between the two, but the academic and microscopic foci of the biomancer are clear distinguishing factors. They improve in these aspects as they level up. If you do so, you may target one creature within 30ft of you and activate one of the following effects. An eligible creature must have a Combat Rating of 1 or lower, an Intelligence score of 5 or lower, and be friendly towards you. "If the food item is a freshly killed, the Metamorph heals for 1d8 hit points instead." Hit Dice: 1d8 per biomancer levelHit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifierHit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per biomancer level after 1st, Armor: Light armor, medium armorWeapons: Daggers, quarterstaffs, shortswords, longbows, simple ranged weaponsTools: Herbalism kit, poisoner's kitSaving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence As a bonus action, you may touch a willing creature and spend any number of microbe points. Some seek out appropriate animals, but others, generally less morally strict biomancers, grow new companions out of cell cultures and magic for the sole purpose of becoming their battle ally. Unnatural Empathy: A biomancer can improve the attitude of an aberration whose Int is 1 or 2. The creatures regain 1d10 hit points per half hour spent in the sphere. 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