where is imam hussain head buried

Abd Allah ibn Abbas and Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr advised him not to move to Iraq, or, if he was determined, not to take women and children with him. Sun Videos 346K views 4 years ago FADAK TV . [20], Husayn was brought up in the household of Muhammad at first. To avoid the agonies of the civil war, Hasan signed a treaty with Mu'awiya, according to which Mu'awiya would not name a successor during his reign, and let the Islamic community (ummah) choose his successor. [177] Buyids, a Shi'a dynasty originally from Iran which later occupied the Abbasid capital Baghdad while accepting the Abbasid caliph's suzerainty,[178] promoted the public rituals of Muharram to portray themselves as patrons of religion and to strengthen the Shi'a identity in Iraq. Over the dome he fixed a green flag. He asked to be allowed to leave. I thought that since the Imam (as) would prefer the mule because it was stronger, so I said I prefer the donkey. [83] But after the slave recited the verse " ", Husayn forgave him and after that the slave recited the verse " " and Husayn released the slave because of this. Most of the Sunni narrations quoted by al-Tabari do not name the participants. Husayn and his followers then spent the rest of the night praying. The Imam Hussein Mosque (Arabic: ) or Jame Sayyidna Husayn (Arabic: ) is a mosque and mausoleum of Husayn ibn Ali, originally built in 1154, and then later reconstructed in 1874. It is considered to be one of the holiest Islamic sites in Egypt. [151] Why are you waiting for the man? Hurr informed Husayn that he was doing this for Husayn and that if there would be a war, Husayn would be killed. [96] Although as an Iraqi, Abu Mikhnaf had pro-Alid tendencies, his reports generally do not contain much bias on his part. [45] While in Mecca, Husayn received letters from pro-Alids in Kufa informing him that they were tired of the Umayyad rule, which they considered to be oppressive, and that they had no rightful leader. 1 second ago. [9], There are narrations, sermons and letters left from Husayn Ibn Ali which are available in Sunni and Shiite sources. [151] According to Rasul Jafarian, the Shia historian, fatalism, being promoted by Mu'awiya, caused Husayn's move to never be considered an uprising against corruption by the Sunnis, and they only considered it an illegal insurrection (Fitna).[155]. In another place, he explained the reason for his opposition to the government while recalling the bitterness of breaking the allegiance of the people of Kufa with his father and brother, saying, "These people have submitted to the obedience of Satan and have left the obedience of God the Merciful." After a few years, the women were compensated for their belongings looted in Karbala and were sent back to Medina. [70] Other secondary sources include al-Mas'udi's Muruj al-Dhahab, Ibn Ath'am's Kitab al-Futuh, Shaykh al-Mufid's Kitab al-Irshad, and Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani's Maqatil al-Talibiyyin. The mosque is located in Cairo, Egypt, near the Khan El-Khalili bazaar, near-by the famous Al Azhar Mosque, in an area known as Al-Hussain. [15][16][80] Karbala gave this early political party of pro-Alids a distinct religious identity and helped transform it into a distinct religious sect. After the army of Yazid had left for Kufa, Iraq, the tribe of Bani Asad, who lived in the neighbourhood of Karbala, came to bury the martyrs. as all Ulema and historians agreed that the head of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) was brought from Syria to Karbala and buried there.A religious scholar and leader of Shia Ulema Council Maulana Jaffar Subhani said that he did not find any relevant mention in the history. [221] Persian Sufi poet Hakim Sanai describes Husayn as a martyr, higher in rank than all the other martyrs of the world; while Farid ud-Din Attar considers him a prototype of a Sufi who sacrificed himself in the love of God. [134] According to Madelung, although early Sunni sources refer to Zayn al-'Abidin as 'Ali al-Asghar and Ali II as 'Ali al-Akbar, it is probably true that Sheikh Mufid and other Shi'ite writers are correct in stating the opposite. [124][125] According to Yitzhak Nakash, the rituals of Muharram have an "important" effect in the "invoking the memory of Karbala", as these help consolidate the collective identity and memory of the Shi'a community. According to William C. Chittick, this prayer is the most famous prayer in terms of its beauty and spiritual structure and is recited every year on the Day of Arafah and during the Hajj season - that is, when it was first recited by Husayn ibn Ali - by Shia pilgrims. According to Madelung, Husayn was similar to his father, Ali, while Hasan had the temperament of Muhammad and criticized the policies of his father, Ali. the Tenth), the day on which Husayn ibn Ali was martyred in the Battle of Karbala. Copyright 2023. [148], The killing of Husayn has had an emotional impact on Sunnis,[149] who remember the event as a tragic incident and those killed in the company of Husayn as martyrs. With this letter, Obaidullah wanted to force Husayn to fight. Shia mourn during Muharram, although Sunnis do so to a much lesser extent. What Does The Flag (Alam) In Muharram Mean? [10] He put a cap on his head and wrapped a turban around it to staunch the bleeding. In the nine-year period between Hasan's abdication in AH 41 (660 CE) and his death in AH 49 (669 CE), Hasan and Husayn retreated to Medina, trying to keep aloof from political involvement for or against Mu'awiya. For the Shi'a, Husayn's suffering and death became a symbol of sacrifice in the struggle for right against wrong, and for justice and truth against injustice and falsehood. Husayn's body is buried in Karbala, the site of his death. Two entrance gates were made for the shrine. Since few people from Husayn's camp survived, most eyewitnesses were from the second category. Karbala, Arabic Karbal, also spelled Kerbela, city, capital of Karbal mufaah (governorate), central Iraq. [29] According to a narration, Husayn, while the second caliph, was sitting on the pulpit of Muhammad and giving a speech, objected to him for sitting on the pulpit of Muhammad, and Umar also stopped his sermon and came down from the pulpit. What Were the Three Regrets that Abu Bakr Had When He Was on His Deathbed? Then he sent his cousin Muslim ibn Aqil to assess the situation in Kufa. [195] According to Aghaie, the Shah's hostility towards various Muharram rituals, which he considered to be uncivilized, contributed to his fall. The grave of Imam Hussain is located in Karbala, Iraq. There are, however, hadiths that suggest that Imam al-Husayn (a) is buried in the Holy Shrine of Imam 'Ali. About the words of Imam Sadiq (as), "The head is with the body", i.e. [20] Husayn wanted to respond, but Hasan refused to do so, and Hasan delivered a sermon in response. the Kirkuk Citadel Once they were ready, Imam (as) asked me which mount I preferred. Denn nach Karbala konnten die Familie und die Gefhrten von Imam al-Husayn, die noch am Leben waren, nach Karbala, Kufa, Scham und dann zurck nach Karbala gehen oder wurden dorthin gebracht, bevor sie nach Medina zurckkehrten. [50] He took the northerly route through the Arabian Desert. [164][165][163] The head remained buried in Ashkelon until 1153 (for about 250 years) only. [17] It is also narrated that Muhammad took Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husayn under his cloak and called them ahl al-bayt and stated that they are free from any sin and pollution. He is also considered to be a member of the Ahl al-Kisa, and a participant in the event of Mubahala. : ( ) - -: : : - ( ) - : : ( ) : ( ) : ( ), When Imam Sadiq (as) was in Hirah, he asked the narrator, "Dont you want that which I promised you?". Instead, they took him a prisoner to Kufa, Iraq. [70] Baladhuri uses same sources as Tabari. Ali interpreted the name "Karbala" as "Karb" and "bala" meaning "affliction" and "trial". One of Husayn's companions suggested that they attack Hurr and move to the fortified village of al-Aqr. According to Shiite scholars, Imam al-Husayn's (a) head was eventually attached to his torso in Karbala and is buried where his torso is buried. After that the Imam (as) asked, "Yunus! Wa as-salamu alaykum, wa Rahmatu Allah. The blow cut through his hooded cloak, which Husayn removed while cursing his attacker. The saying is also intended to signify that what happened on Ashura in Karbala must always be remembered as part of suffering everywhere. Life and Significance in Shiism", Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia, "HSEYN - An article published in Turkish Encyclopedia of Islam", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Husayn_ibn_Ali&oldid=1133947583, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles having different image on Wikidata and Wikipedia, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 16 January 2023, at 06:58. *Note: Explaining the last sentence in the above Hadith, Allama Majlisi says the following: : : . In this regard, Karbala and Muharram rituals came to be a vehicle of Safavid propaganda and a means of consolidating the dynasty's Shi'a identity. In October 685, Mukhtar and his supporters seized Kufa. [16] The image of Yazid suffered and gave rise to sentiment that he was impious. Enter the OTP you received in your Email Inbox. Why Did Imam Husayn (A) Take His Family To Karbala? Except for Muhammad, Ali and Hasan, they had said the same thing. [63] Husayn then delivered a speech to his opponents reminding them of his status as Muhammad's grandson and reproaching them for inviting and then abandoning him. Defense arrangements were made: tents were brought together and tied to one another and a ditch was dug behind the tents and filled with wood ready to be set alight in case of attack. A few days later, Husayn left for Mecca without acknowledging Yazid. Do the Shi'a value Ziyarat more than Hajj? Mu'awiya instructed Marwan not to clash with Husayn, in the same time he wrote a letter to Husayn in which he "mingled generous promises with the advice not Madelung believes that Husayn did not recognize this treaty at first, but pressed by Hasan, accepted it. A validation e-mail has been sent to your e-mail address. Nonetheless, a religious sect with distinct theological doctrines and specific set of rituals had not developed. Where is Imam Hussain head buried? "The Head of Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, arrived in Egypt, according to Islamic history books and an old manuscript kept by the British Museum, which narrates the scenes of the entry of the noble head," said Gomaa in a televised program on national television. [30] Ali also knew that Husayn would be killed in Karbala, and once he passed by this area, he stopped and cried and remembered the news of Muhammad. 217ff. [215], Inspired by Rawdat al-Shuhada, the Azerbaijani poet Fuzl wrote an abridged and simplified version of it in Ottoman Turkish in his work Hadiqat al-Su'ada. Prior to his death, Mu'awiya appointed his son Yazid as his successor, contrary to the HasanMuawiya treaty. [9], In one place, Husayn recited a sermon and said: "I do not see death except as martyrdom and living with the oppressors except as hardship." [10] The family formed from the marriage of Ali and Fatima was praised many times by Muhammad. Although most pilgrims to Karbala are Shia, there are also some Sunni Muslim visitors. [158], The Fatimid vizier Badr al-Jamali conquered Palestine under Caliph al-Mustansir Billah and discovered the head of Husayn in AH 448 (1056 AD). There are two views about where imam Hussein's head is buried. Brief History of Transfer of the Sacred Head of Hussain ibn Ali, From Damascus to Ashkelon to Qahera By: Qazi Dr. Shaikh Abbas Borhany PhD (USA), NDI, Shahadat al A'alamiyyah (Najaf, Iraq), M.A., LLM (Shariah) Member, Ulama Council of Pakistan. ", [Source: Kamil al-Ziyaraat, Chapter. majlis) are arranged in places reserved for this purpose, called husayniyya. Rasool Jafarian considers the narrations in which Husayn is like Ali and Hasan is like Muhammad to be fake; According to him, the image presented in these narrations could have been used to destroy the image of Ali and Ashura and to be useful to those who were in favor of Uthman tendencies. Also, verses such as 77 Surah an-Nisa, 33 Surah al-Isra and 27th to 30th Surah Al-Fajr refer to the uprising and killing of Husayn from the Shiite point of view. He informed his followers of the situation and asked them to leave. HEAD OF IMAM HUSSAIN A.S BURIED IN SHAM CITY OF SYRIA. . "[193] Opposition to the Shah was thus compared with the opposition of Husayn to Yazid,[194] and Muharram ritual gatherings became increasingly political in nature. The bodies were left without burial and survivors from Imam Hussain's family (women such as his sisters, his little daughters, his only left son Sajjad (PBUH) who was sick during the battle and he couldn't take part in) were taken as prisoners. is used by the Shi'a as a mantra to live their lives as Husayn did on Ashura, i.e. [83] The armies met in January 685 at Battle of Ayn al-Warda; which resulted killing most of them including Ibn Surad. [119] In Iran, the battle scenes of Karbala are performed on stage in front of an audience in a ritual called taziya (passion play), also known as shabih. [89] Similarly, Madelung and Wellhausen assert that the battle lasted from sunrise to sunset and that the overall account of the battle is reliable. After likening Jesus' miraculous birth to Adam's creation who was born to neither a mother nor a father and when the Christians did not accept the Islamic doctrine about Jesus, Muhammad reportedly received a revelation instructing him to call them to Mubahala, where each party should ask God to destroy the false party and their families:[24][25][26] .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}, If anyone dispute with you in this matter [concerning Jesus] after the knowledge which has come to you, say: Come let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then let us swear an oath and place the curse of God on those who lie. [41] Husayn insisted on his decision and wrote about his motives and goals in a famous letter or will that he gave to Mohammad Hanafiya: I did not go out for fun and selfishness and for corruption and oppression; Rather, my goal is to correct the corruptions that have occurred in the nation of my ancestors. One of Shii Islams foremost holy cities, it lies 55 miles (88 km) southwest of Baghdad, with which it is connected by rail. [109] Thereafter this tradition was limited to the Shi'a imams for several decades, before gaining momentum under the sixth Shi'a imam Jafar Sadiq and his followers. Muhammad reported the Karbala incident on several occasions; For example, he gave a small bottle of soil to Umm Salama and told her that the soil inside the bottle would turn into blood after Husayn was killed. [67], Husayn's family, along with the heads of the dead, were sent to Ibn Ziyad. He would travel with the poor or invite them to his house and feed them. It is said that Imam Hussain purchased the land of Karbala from the tribe of Bani Asad who lived there and gifted it back to them. Banu Asad could not recognize the bodies with out their heads. It is said that the place of the food bags that Husayn carried for the poor was obvious on his body on the day of Ashura. [89][47], According to Wellhausen, the compassion that Yazid showed to the family of Husayn, and his cursing of Ibn Ziyad was only for show. But in contrast to all Muslim sources, which state that Husayn fought Yazid, Theophilus appears to have written that Husayn was killed by Mu'awiya as the final engagement of the First Fitna between the Umayyads and Ali's supporters. He informed his followers then spent the rest of the situation and asked to... To Karbala until 1153 ( for about 250 years ) only Ziyarat more than Hajj the Battle of al-Warda! Then he sent where is imam hussain head buried cousin Muslim Ibn Aqil to assess the situation and them! 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