john witherspoon declaration of independence family tree

If so, login to add it. They were the parents of at least 6 sons and 3 daughters. John Witherspoon[3] was born in Yester, Scotland, as the eldest child of the Reverend James Alexander Witherspoon and Anne Walker,[4] a descendant of John Welsh of Ayr and John Knox. While he at first abstained from political concerns, he came to support the revolutionary cause, accepting appointment to the committees of correspondence and safety in early 1776. The debate continued into the Fourth of July and, in Jefferson's own words, "seemed as though it would run on interminably. Richard Stocktons home Morven became the New Jersey Governors Mansion from 1954-1981. Handkerchief in hand they lashed at the hungry pests to no avail.". udinot (born Stockton), Abigail Pintard (born Stockton), Susanna Pintard (born Stockton), John Stockton, Rev. Page 201.The Collections of the Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. Photographic tour of John Witherspoon's grave at Princeton Cemetery. Witherspoon eschewed politics in America until 1774, but after that he steadily participated, directly and indirectly, in the leading events of the day. [11] During his two pastorates he wrote three well-known works on theology, notably the satire "Ecclesiastical Characteristics" (1753),[12] which opposed the philosophical influence of Francis Hutcheson.[13]. Built in 1773 by John Witherspoon, a Signer of the Declaration of Independence and a close friend to Benjamin Franklin and George Washington, the lovingly restored and expanded Tusculum estate offers over 23 acres of beautiful grounds, modern amenities and gracious living - right in the middle of Princeton, NJ. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. In point of fact, disaster and ruin was the lot for many of the signers. On September 26, 1776, he and fellow signer George Clymer of Pennsylvania were sent on an arduous journey of nearly two months duration to inspect the northern army. He signed the Declaration of Independence, and was a leader in Pennsylvania's ratification of the Constitution in 1788. The next round from the gun went through the mansion, killing the British soldiers inside and destroying the Nelson home. John Witherspoon, who was sixth president of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University) and a signer of the Declaration of Independence. When the General had seated himself, Boudinot proceeded to read an address of welcome. She became a professor of nursing at Vanderbilt University. Ranging in age from 26 (Edward Rutledge) to 70 (Benjamin Franklin), they were for the most part materially well-off in colonial society., The Free Speech Center operates with your generosity! Richard Stockton later declared Adams the Atlas of the hour, the man to whom the country is most indebted for the great measure of independency. Because of Stocktons poor health and the parole requiring him not to participate in the war effort he resigned from Congress. The gallery was crowded; the floor was reserved for members of Congress; and on the wall hung the empty frame of the portrait of George II, which Alexander Hamiltons cannon ball had destroyed in the fighting of January 3rd at the battle of Princeton six years before. Great hardships and suffering were also inflicted upon three signers from neighboring New Jersey. Witherspoon and his wife, Elizabeth Montgomery, had a total of 10 children, only five of whom survived to accompany their parents to America. He also obtained a Master of Arts from the University of Edinburgh in 1739. He can have no right either to take away life, or to make it insupportable by excessive labor. A bronze statue at Princeton University by Scottish sculptor Alexander Stoddart is the twin of one outside The University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, Scotland. Declaration of Independence, printed by John Dunlap, July 4, 1776, Records of the Continental and Confederation, Congresses and the Constitutional Convention, 1774-1789, Record Group 360; National Archives. His fame preceded him and he was received by the most eminent men of the kingdom. Wife of Signer John Witherspoon Image: John Witherspoon John Witherspoon was born on February 5, 1722, at the village of Gifford, near Edinburgh, Scotland. Family tree of John WITHERSPOON. The signers were public spirited and patriotic citizens who had for years been important in the affairs of their local communities and governments. At the age of 45, he became the sixth president of the college, later known as Princeton University. The President's House in Princeton, New Jersey, was his home from 1768 to 1779 and is a U.S. National Historic Landmark. From Antigua they moved to Darby, Pennsylvania where Annis was born in 1736, then moved to Philadelphia where her father established a shop and home next door to Benjamin Franklin. It was only through a protracted effort on the part of several eminent Americans, including Richard Stockton and Benjamin Rush, that the colonies were able to acquire his service. Reason second, I am obnoxious, suspected, and unpopular; you are very much otherwise. Biography by Rev. ", Nelson demanded of the gunners. His parents were James Witherspoon and Anna Walker. John Witherspoon. He was educated in the early years by Rev. . Born February 5, 1723 (Gifford, Scotland) Died November 15, 1794 (Princeton, New Jersey) Protestant theologian, educator. "Morven the home of the Hon. Witherspoon instituted numerous reforms, including modeling the syllabus and university structure after that used at the University of Edinburgh and other Scottish universities. Amidst all the compliments which have been made on this occasion, be assured, madam, that the agreeable manner, and the very pleasing sentiments in which yours is conveyed, have affected my mind with the most lively sensations of joy and satisfaction. Birth of Richard Stockton, Signer of "The Decla Signer of Declaration of IndependenceDelegate to Continental Congress, Signer Declaration of Independence. Dr. Betty Witherspoon earned three degrees in total, including a Ph.D in education. The main building, Nassau Hall, was badly damaged and his papers and personal notes were lost. [2] Few with a knowledge of history would have predicted anything but disaster and ruin for those gathered in Philadelphia during the first week of August in 1776. Born in Scotland to a family of clergymen, he was trained to become a Presbyterian minister. In August 1767, he boarded a ship in London and 26 days later arrived in New York. Witherspoon immediately declared "It is not only ripe for the measure, but in danger of rotting for the want of it." Jefferson's Account | From the pocket of his close-fitting coat Washington drew his carefully written reply. In colonial American, the best educated men were often found in the clergy. Tyranny, like Hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.". In the months before and after the Declaration of Independence, several states were working on their own constitutions, including New York. As the member appointed for New Jersey, I laid the resolution before our Legislature then sitting at Princeton, and recommended to them the great importance of their approaching persons in every county. In 1757, he wed Annis Boudinot, built their home Morven, and later had two sons and four daughters. Stockton slowly regained his health and returned to his law practice to support his family but later developed cancer. John bartlett family trees listed as josiah, was glorious to be freely in particular repeal of independence in the independents in his many ventures including women. He did not favor separation; rather, he suggested in 1764 that some colonial members be appointed to the Parliament. And Continental Congresses were convened at Philadelphia in 1774, to deal with Britain's passage of the Intolerable Acts, and in 1775, shortly after the Battles of Lexington and Concord. Since that period, he hath represented New-Jersey in the congress of the United States. It had been a long and muddy ride from Princeton, they had been caught in a violent thunderstorm, and their clothes were soaking wet. John R. Vile. Many referred to it as the "Presbyterian Rebellion" and a Hessian soldier wrote, "America-call this war dearest friend by whatever name you may, only call it not an American Rebellion. Her parents are still legally married, although they separated in 1996. He also served twice in the New Jersey Legislature, and strongly supported the adoption of the United States Constitution during the New Jersey ratification debates. "These are the times that try men's souls," Thomas Paine wrote in COMMON SENSE. In this sense, the temporal principles of morality required a religious component which derived its authority from the spiritual. It was a storm which had been building for more than a decade as the British Parliament and King George III imposed one oppressive measure after another on the colonies, increasing their taxes and decreasing their freedoms. "[17], Long wary of the power of the British Crown, Witherspoon saw the growing centralization of government, progressive ideology of colonial authorities, and establishment of episcopacy authority as a threat to the liberties of the colonies. Arrayed against such might was a Continental Army of 10,000 men and a handful of poorly equipped and badly trained militia in the several states. She later had second thoughts, and a visit from the charming Dr. And so it went through the rest of the states, with George Walton of Georgia the last to affix his name to the historic document that day. All his cattle, horses, hogs, sheep, grain and forage have been carried away by them. There was no place to acquire these items and unfortunately no money to purchase them with if they were to be found. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle . He was captured there November 30, 1776, by loyalists in the dead of night, drug from his bed and marched in freezing weather clad only in a nightshirt and breeches. In Scotland, his personal efforts resulted in the acceptance of the presidency of the College by the Reverend John Witherspoon. "John Witherspoon." Father of Anne Witherspoon Smith; John William Witherspoon; Christian Witherspoon; James Witherspoon; Robert Witherspoon and 8 others; Barbara Witherspoon; John Knox Witherspoon, Jr.; Frances Ramsay; George Witherspoon; Infant Witherspoon; David Witherspoon; Mary Anne Woods and Frances Witherspoon less The U.S. National Archives contains other messages showing that Washington duly contacted General Howe in New York regarding the exchange or release of Stockton and others. During the siege of Yorktown in 1781, the British forces were under heavy attack from some 16,000 American troops, 3,000 Virginia militia, and the French fleet. They had a great deal to lose - life, liberty, and property - but they were convinced that the cause was worth the risk. In 1774, he was appointed Justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey. Rush secured the deal. Unlike some English advocates of religious freedom, Witherspoon was willing to extend such freedom to Roman Catholics, and he believed that the state could encourage good behavior and that religious virtue led to political strength. And Charles Carroll, a new delegate from Maryland and one of the wealthiest men in America, replied as he was asked by Hancock if he would sign: "Most willingly." of Serle, 176-177, 178-179, 180, 186: John Shuttleworth to (Walter Spencer) Stanhope, June 29, (i.e., Jan. 29), 1777, Sterling, Annals of a Yorkshire House, II, 21: Henry Laurens to John Laurens, Feb. 3, 1777, C.O.5/40; the Howes to Germain, March 25, 1777, and (enclosed therein) declarations subscribed as a result of the proclamation of Nov. 30, 1777, C.O. American affairs assumed great importance in England at that time and the opinions of so distinguished an American were sought after. A graduate of the University of Edinburgh, he gained a reputation in the Church of Scotland as a leader of the left-wing "Popular Party," and his works made him well-known in the American colonies. John Knox Witherspoon (1723-1794)clergyman, educator, and founding fatherserved as Princeton's sixth president from 1768 until his death in 1794. Ancestry, Richard "The Signer" was born to John Stockton (born 1701) & Abigail Phillips. Witherspoon became the only clergyman to sign the Declaration of Independence. Americans prominently involved with First Amendment issues, prohibited clergymen from serving in the state legislature, His 1776 sermon "The Dominion of Providence over the Passions of Men" was published in many editions and he was elected to the Continental Congress as part of the New Jersey delegation and, in July 1776, voted for the Resolution for Independence. He was the only active clergyman and the only college president to sign the Declaration. Boudinot again served in Congress from 1789-1795. [8] In 1764, he was awarded an honorary doctoral degree in divinity by the University of St Andrews.[9]. Stockton returned to America in August 1767. His father being their brother, Rev James Witherspoon, III, who was a Church of Scotland minister who served the parish of Yester from 1720 until his death in 1759. At the urging of Benjamin Rush and Richard Stockton, whom he met in Paisley, Witherspoon finally accepted a second invitation to become president and head professor of the small Presbyterian College of New Jersey in Princeton. General Washington ordered that the document be read to each Army brigade on July 9th, and he reported afterwards to Congress on "the expressions and behavior of officers and men testifying their warmest and approbation of it." Dr. Witherspoon enjoyed great success at the College of New Jersey. Richard Stockton as a prisoner of war, and taken behind enemy lines was also required to take the oath. John Hancock of Massachusetts, the president of the Congress, had been the first to sign. Papers: 1766-1784, 32 items. After hearing the irresistible and conclusive arguments of the honorable John Adams for independence, Richard fully concurred in the final vote in favor of that bold and decisive measure. Please try again. Accounts indicate that, despite clear instruction, Justice Stockton wished to hear the arguments on either side of the issue. Not all of those who had voted for independence on July 2nd were present in August. Therefore, public religion was a vital necessity in maintaining the public morals. Representing New Jersey at the Continental Congress. In answer to an objection that the country was not yet ready for independence, according to tradition he replied that it "was not only ripe for the measure, but in danger of rotting for the want of it."[20][21]. [15] Thus, Witherspoon and his family emigrated to New Jersey in 1768. By invitation he spent a week at the country estate of the Marquis of Rockingham and was entertained by the Earl of Chatham, the Earl of Chesterfield and other distinguished members of Parliament friendly to the American Colonies. Witherspoon had been a prominent evangelical Presbyterian minister in Scotland before accepting the Princeton position. Occupation President of the College of New Jersey, Upon his arrival at then College of New Jersey, Witherspoon found the school in debt, with weak instruction and an outdated library. Witherspoon became prominent within the church as an Evangelical opponent of the Moderate Party. His philosophy was relatively pragmatic and blended well with the classical liberal strains of political thought advocated in his day. John Witherspoon would profess that he loved his new home in New Jersey, and that he had "become an American the moment he landed." He was a longtime friend of George Washington. In his lectures on moral philosophy at Princeton, required of all juniors and seniors, Witherspoon argued for the revolutionary right of resistance and recommended checks and balances within government. Declaration Timeline | At the College of New Jersey, Witherspoon revised the moral philosophy curriculum, strengthened the college's commitment to natural philosophy, and positioned Princeton in the larger transatlantic world of the republic of letters. He was consulted on the state of American affairs by such notable men as the Marquis of Rockingham with whom he spent a week at his country estate. Conditions were horrific in prison where over 12,000 men died in prison ships and prisons in New York compared with 4,435 battle casualties during the entire war. Once persuaded otherwise, however, Morton signed the Declaration and stood by his decision, though he was ostracized by his family and friends, many of whom were Tories. He would not live see his country win independence. During his two pastorates he wrote three well-known works on theology, notably the satire "Ecclesiastical Characteristics" (1753) opposing the philosophical influence of Francis Hutcheson. Oct 4, 2013 - Explore Heather Weaver's board "John witherspoon" on Pinterest. Thus, public morality owed more to the natural moral laws of the Enlightenment than to revealed Christianity. Stockton was admitted to the bar in 1754, to the grade of counselor in 1758, and in 1763, he received the degree of Sergeant-at-Law the highest degree of law attainable. In 1776, Stockton was elected to the Second Continental Congress, where he took a very active role. Previously offered for $12M. He once wrote, "The public is generally unthankful, and I never will become a Servant of it, till I am convinced that by neglecting my own affairs I am doing more acceptable Service to God and Man." Judge Richard Stockton was the only signer to be put in irons, starved and imprisoned under brutal conditions by the British four months after signing the Declaration of Independence. [1] Witherspoon embraced the concepts of Scottish common sense realism, and while president of the College of New Jersey (1768-1794; now Princeton University) became an influential figure in the development of the . He remained at the University to study divinity. Boudinot also served as Director of the Mint, and became the first president of the American Bible Society in 1816. "Let my trade perish. Reverend Samuel Smith succeeded Dr. Witherspoon as president of Princeton in 1775. The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived. Born: February 15, 1723. Students who later played prominent roles in the new nation's development included James Madison, Aaron Burr, Philip Freneau, William Bradford, and Hugh Henry Brackenridge. Died on November 15, 1794 in Near Princeton, New Jersey, USA , United States. (2.) His son Richard "The Builder" bought 5,500 acres of land from William Penn in Princeton, New Jersey and settled there with his wife Susannah (nee Witham) Robinson. The weather was oppressively warm and the room occupied by the delegates was nearby a livery stableThe horse-flies swarmed thick and fierce, alighting on the legs of the members and biting hard through their thin silk stockings. An error has occured while loading the map. Let us shortly consider (1.) 67179. Witherspoon was born on March 22, 1976 at Southern Baptist Hospital, in New Orleans, Louisiana, while her father, Dr. John Draper Witherspoon, was a student at Tulane University medical school. Witherspoon accepted the impossibility of maintaining public morality or virtue in the citizenry without an effective religion. He was never free of pain until he died on February 28, 1781, at his home "Morven. That Jefferson did his job well is obvious to anyone who has read the Declaration of Independence, particularly his statement of the self-evident truths that "all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. As they had not been present for the entire speech Richard asked Adams to repeat what they had missed. Washington had lunch with him, then had his famous Council of War at the nearby Hunt House. explains the conversion of the young Virginian to the philosophy of the Enlightenment."[27]. Start page | Richard Stocktons grandson Commodore Robert Field Stockton conquered California, became its first military governor in 1846, and in 1851 served as a Senator from New Jersey. She was a close friend and favorite correspondent of General George Washington. He attended the Haddington Grammar School, and obtained a Master of Arts and Bachelor of Divinity from the University of St. Andrews. Collection Overview . On June 26th, this Livingston petitioned the New York Assembly so that he could leave the state convention and rejoin Congress in Philadelphia. The British offered freedom for the boys if he would abandon the cause, but Abraham Clark refused. The New York signers - William Floyd, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, and Lewis Morris - were particularly vulnerable to British retaliation. "My country is entitled to my services, and I shall not shrink from the cause, even though it should cost me my life," he declared. John Witherspoons American Revolution. The wife of William Floyd escaped with her children by boat across Long Island Sound into Connecticut and died in 1781 without ever again seeing her home. Richard and Hannah were brother and sister, making Richard Stockton's (born 1730) parents 1st cousins.[12]. Witherspoon was a proponent of Christian values, his common sense approach to the public morality of civil magistrates was influenced by the ethics of Scottish philosophers Francis Hutcheson and Reid rather than Jonathan Edwards. The First Amendment Encyclopedia, Middle Tennessee State University (accessed Jan 18, 2023). Stocktons high character and distinguished abilities preceded him and he was received by the most eminent men of the kingdom. Richard Stockton, was denuded of its library and furniture." How far this subjection extends. On March 25, 1777, General Howe and his brother Lord Howe wrote to Lord George Germain (Secretary of State for the Colonies)in England "My Lord, We have the honor to enclose to your Lordship a state of the Declarations subscribed in consequence of our Proclamation of the 30th of November. Firm but good-humored in his leadership, Witherspoon was very popular among both faculty and students. He died in 1794 on his farm Tusculum, just outside of Princeton, and is buried in the Princeton Cemetery. He also served twice in the state legislature. An error has occured while loading the map. His efforts helped the Continental Army drive back Lord Cornwallis' army in retreat in 1780. These 56 men who spoke for two and a half million American free men were a spectacular group of individuals. Previously known as "Stockton State College" and "Richard Stockton State College", it is now known as "Richard Stockton College of New Jersey". On Tuesday, May 11th 1779, he died at the age of 66. Richard Stockton the signer of the Declaration of Independence was born October 1, 1730, the eldest of eight children born to John and Abigail Stockton. John later became a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. ", On July 3rd, Jefferson's draft of the Declaration was submitted to the delegates from the 13 Colonies, and he suffered the pain of all authors at the hands of editors - in this case, half a hundred of them. Some believe that he may have been responsible for adding the words with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence to the Declaration of Independence. The historian Douglass Adair writes, "The syllabus of Witherspoon's lectures . Elias Boudinot served his country in many positions during the difficult times of the American Revolution. Entitled 'COMMON SENSE', the 25,000 word tract by Thomas Paine challenged British authority over the Colonies and bluntly stated that "the period of debate is closed. Rev. The Document | He was the only active clergyman and the only college president to sign the Declaration on July 4th, 1776. Consistent with his Presbyterian theology, Witherspoon believed that God was the author of freedom, and he did not think that the state, which was administered by imperfect individuals, had the right to dictate personal religious beliefs. Arms, as a last resort, must decide the contest.". Adams at first refused, but when Stockton again repeated his request and at the urging of Edward Rutledge who said only Adams had the facts at his command Adams rose to the occasion and gave a stirring speech in favor of independence. Constitutional Convention of 1787, including Virginias James Madison, as well as scores of individuals who served as judges and justices, members of Congress, and members of state ratifying conventions. He also made a mark in politics, serving as a member of the Continental Congress from 1776 until 1782. Two weeks later, on August 2, 1776, the Congress met again at the State House in Philadelphia to formalize with their legislatures what they had adopted a month before. He first took a moderate stance in the troubles between the colonies and Great Britain. Dr. Benjamin Rush wrote "At Princeton I met my wife's father who had been plundered of all his household furniture and stock by the British army, and carried a prisoner to New York, from whence he was permitted to return to his family upon parole. In Princeton a rumor started by Mr. Cochran, a Tory, claiming Stockton had taken General Howe's protection caused Stockton to be spoken against for a short time, but "Mr Cochran's known quarrel with him makes it very doubtful to candid persons" Rev. Witherspoon has been described by some historians as being "not a profound scholar" but "an able college president". Her mother, Dr. Mary Elizabeth "Betty" Witherspoon (ne Reese), is from Harriman, Tennessee. I hope therefore that already a considerable quantity of shoes and stockings at least may be provided and that you will take immediate order for the sending of the parcels. 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