fibromyalgia urine smell

What the Smell of Your Poop Can Tell You About Your Gut Health. While reading the first posts of 3 years ago, something triggered a memory. Pain is often felt in the arms, legs, head, chest, abdomen, back, and buttocks. If Your Urine Smells Like Coffee. Wet dog + shampoo, yeuk .I just can`t immagine what it must be like for you and having everything taste bad must be awful. Some fibromyalgia sufferers find that they have to urinate as frequently as every 20 minutes. I will note my new password down and this site to check it as to whether this has helped anyone. Am considering going back to counseling. A doctor. Like, genuinely painful. Like just suddenly and out of nowhere, my bladder cramps and I have to go immediately. Under normal circumstances small amounts of histamine help to facilitate health and balance in many systems of the body. Did go to gp but was sent away non the wiser. I recently returned both a tufted headboard and a leather armchair I bought. Not only because of the embarrassing symptoms it brings, but cramps, headaches and flare-ups that come with eating a bad food. Ashley A. Nobody else can smell the smell when I ask them, I can still smell/taste normally and I am male 49 and live in Scotland. Anyhoo! That drastic change can happen from one day to the next. However, medication and lifestyle changes can help treat fibromyalgia and reduce the likelihood of flares. A score greater than 30 is considered a normal sense of smell. restless legs syndrome - a tingling, uncomfortable feeling in your legs, especially at night. I never thought it was related to fibro until now. Sometime its just in one spot, sometimes its all over. There, youll also find thoughts and questions by our community. More information Teenager sitting on the toilet More like this Fibromyalgia Syndrome Fibromyalgia Pain Chronic Migraines Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Endometriosis Sometimes it's caused by faulty genes that a person inherits from their parents, but this isn't always the case. People often describe it as aching, burning, or throbbing. I need to nap to get through the day. Kirsten M. R. Exhaustion and seclusion. Kidney stones. Just drink 30-40 oz of water a day ! As well as the burning I could smell a car start 2 streets away or a ladies perfume on the other side of the road. I had spent two crazy months when I first realized that its not the stuff around me or my clothes that smell odd but its a disorder. The smell is affected because your body is expelling chemicals into your urine. I have mentioned it to my Dr but he doesnt seem too fussed and has just asked that I record when it happens to see if there are any triggers. However, today, it's driving me insane, hence searching the net for any extra info i might have missed and stumbling on this site and writing this post. Take care. What happens is that by breathing toxic chemicals it will damage your tissues and cause a necrose in it making your cells to switch off and being invaded by these onco bactrias and onco-parasitic fungai ! I hope you guy's find some relief to your problems too.! I can have on my liver. My issue i am smelling brewing coffee every day in my room and its driving me nuts. It is still there. delegacioni shqiptar ne konferencen e londres; ; postnord kundtjnst flashback The smell comes and goes. And this overwhelming smoke smell is really a pain! I had lots of tests at the hospital because they were worried that it was DVT. My eyes watered, my nose ran. I use a lot of Post-it notes and set reminders for just about everything. Bee E. Not being able to process what someone is saying to you and then looking rude for asking what they said more than once because to your brain they may as well be speaking gibberish. Dani S. Definitely the brain fog. Bless his heart, hes learning right along with me. I have the same thing, started about 3 weeks ago when we moved into a house in an area that I don't particularly like, miss my friends etc. ENT specialist found nothing either and suggested an operation which may or may not work if it gets worse. Hey, crickey, that's almost going the other way hey..! (I can't tell you how many times I searched the house, looking for that odor that no one else could smell.) Treating fibromyalgia flares can be tricky. Urinary frequency and abdominal bloating is quite common amongst fibromyalgia patients, particularly women. Some people thus affected have been required to have psychological treatment or some have even been institutionalized. Being so cold. Others just see lazy. Michelle P. The fatigue. This is going to show my 'flaky' side but I sort of thought that maybe I was being visited by my grandfather's spirit (who smoked like a chimney). Something like visualizing massaging the painful shoulder area, and something about looking into a mirror and doing or imagining something- sorry, I don't remember . I am sure that this odor is not real and not in my environment. All of my neighbours including him had to move out for 6 months and destroy all our furniture. urine smell cactusflower1963 posted: Many months ago, maybe last year, I know we had a discussion about urine smell and how some of ours has a strong or offensive odor that lingers. I have also been having problems with my shoulder with a trapped nerve. When its in one spot, people sometimes think I have a hickey. Some of the chemicals they react to have no odour. Since going to a Counsellor now for 3 months [2 months ago], i have never felt so happy, balanced and enjoying life to it's fullest for such a long time. Talking only about smell may imply that those conditions could or are purely psychological in nature and not physical. I spent over $50,000. I have very similar experiences. Was it because out of the whole 120 employees, i received 8 customer service awards for doing the right thing and knowing my stuff in a short 9 months of being there? Please feel free to join. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Only later that night I could still smell it. I was very stressed and could not sleep. No! She run some tests and all came negative. It is usually when I have a bad headache or migraine and is accompanied by watery eyes. Sometimes I feel like I could go crazy too! It is caused by a nerve in my back that send false messages to my brain saying my leg is burning. I have severe chronic migraines as well, and the light/sound is extremely sensitive, but the smells OMG, they can knock me over, especially strong perfumes. Maintaining a log of activities, meals, sleep times and duration, and symptoms of fibromyalgia may help to identify particular triggers. I constantly smell this strange odor. I also consume large quantities of Costco roasted unsalted mixed nuts. I don't know if the smell I am unable to rid my brain of is real or insanity. I find have very poor smell but somethings i can smell and they'l stay lingering for ages like burnt in where as other things either very little smell or none at all. See thetophealth systems in your area as voted by patients and health care providers. What I found that is that the receptors in the brain are off or not communicating due to that sensors in your brain are sending the wrong signals to activate to act. MRI scans have shown nothing they didn't expect to see although I DO have a rare pituitary condition that started many years ago while this problem is fairly recent. I am sorry but I don't suffer with anything like this. I often wonder if people notice just how much effort it takes me to do these things. Terri S. A. That I can't get rid of. Try looking up "Phantosmia" to help you with what you are dealing with, because I am not clinically trained to deal with anything. I was afraid It was my house that was stinking but I have the sensation outside too. It could also. How can you manage fibromyalgia flare ups? Hello! The surgery saved my life! Its driving me insane to the pint I want to cry xxx. I have to say I love the day-lit hours and the long days of summer but actually prefer the crisp cold weather of wintry sunny days - I'd melt in that heat and would be bed bound, crippled by it!! I found this thread months ago when I first had the burning plastic/burning wood/old mould/charcoaly petrol smell. When you smell of your own body it's bringing you back home.. lol.. it's your baseline for everyday. Things I once loved I now no longer like - & vice versa. Mine started years ago but it was only every now and then. Fix it: This is harmless keep on caffeinating. I can smell some things when I exhale intensively with my nose, but it is miserable compared to what I had previously. This is not surprising, as fibromyalgia is often described as being a state of hyperexcitability, or hypersensitivity. I think I know what you are suffering from. It wasn't. I'm not on any medication, so no side effects. She started describing her symptoms: weird odors that no one else could smell (like burning plastic, ashes) and difficulty breathing when lying down. If you notice any other effects, check with your healthcare professional. Just 2 days ago, my wife was in the Chemist asking for a nasal spray safe to use daily and bought it. It sounds really awful though. I do get migraines but I have never been diagnosed with Fibro. The non-typical migraine comment caught my eye because my mother has actually been dx with these but hers causes her to lose her sight when it happens. Otherwise I have been lucky enough not to have any further problems with smell. Some fibromyalgia sufferers find that they have to urinate as frequently as every 20 minutes. If you live with a chronic condition like fibromyalgia, you may be all-too-familiar with the frustrating and undesirable symptoms it can cause. Children can have fibromyalgia, but it is more common in older adults. I use distraction techniques for most things but with smell its hard. It has happened again, hence the reason I found this site. I'm the same a s foggy, in that some smells trigger migraine for me. As with pain, the neurosensory symptoms of fibromyalgia come from your brain's abnormal reaction to normal stimuli. Fibromyalgia News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. People may benefit from trying to avoid or limit exposure to stressful situations and making time to relax. But, I just want you to know that you are not alone with this strange condition. I read most of the comments and I taught I am alone but unfortunatly there are a lot of people which they are suffering from same illness that i am suffering, I am male 27 and it is more than 10 years that I am filling bad breath from both mouth and nose I visited a lot of doctors and spend alot of money on medicine to cure myself but unfortunatly there is no way for me, I have no infection in sinus and throat and the doctors are saying there is no problem with me, I can not set beside someone in the bus in the train. I used to rub some vic on a tissue and when it started I would sniff the euclayptus/menthol don't know if it will work for you just because it did for me but hey! I knew my sis had been to the neurologist, so I asked her why. told me to use them for a bad cold that I had that hung around for 2 weeks. Have you been able to find out anything? I have the exact same symptoms. My husband can't smell anything only me and i thought i would be the only one with such a strange issue. 13. Hi there yeah I get that I am hypersensitive to just about most things, smell usually cripples my breathing making me reach for my inhaler. And is it still working? It's like acquiring a new sensation you never had. Its shocking to them and almost impossible to explain. Yea, it was just me. Tender Points - a Column by Christine Lynch. Urinary and pelvic complaints are common symptoms of fibromyalgia, particularly in women with the disease. Feeling of having to urinate, but nothing comes out, can be sign of bladder cancer, though urinary urgency as a symptom of this disease is relatively rare. I hope this helps you realize that you are not going crazy. The woman in the picture looks exactly like I feel when Im having a reaction to a chemical odor. However, if your urine has a sweet smell or a foul, fishy, or musty smell it might be a sign of infection or another health issue. It's nearly as difficult to explain multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) to someone unaffected by it as it is to explain fibromyalgia. I get a strange ham like woodish smell.. (now how do u define smell). I'm so sorry you are experiencing such an unpleasant symptom. I can't stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Recording these activities might highlight patterns of what triggers a flare. I want to know what to do to make it go away, its nauseating. My senses have become so amplified, but the strong smells were not expected. Which was not caused by an accident or strain. Although theres no reason to feel ashamed of any symptoms or side effects you experience, it can still be embarrassing when brain fog causes you to forget what you were saying in the middle of an important work meeting, or a sudden burst of pain makes you drop the dishes you were putting away in the kitchen. Fibromyalgia can cause widespread pain, fatigue, and stiffness. This will result in a fishy and . I have also had symptoms of fibromyalgia of which is linked to CD. The back and leg pain. It originates from Ayurvedic Indian medicine. yellow eyes or skin. People stare and it makes me incredibly self-conscious. So embarrassing. Eloise T. Brain fog When I cant remember the words. Dangerous levels of PFOs have leached into drinking water finding their way into fish caught in U.S. rivers and lakes. It is not the smell per se, it is the chemicals that are causing MCS, etc. The smell got so strong it made me feel sick. Nothing new but it is good to have a name for it. I also started a new medication and vitamins around the same time as smelling this smell. Hi, i don't get the taste problem only the weird smelling sensation. I got given steroids which hurt my nose so went back again and finally got referred to ent specialist! Chronic, widespread pain throughout the body or at multiple sites. Im constantly moving if Im standing or I have to lean over on something. I live in Texas. Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS), is a painful and sometimes debilitating condition that affects the muscles, soft tissues and joints. Like a mental tennis match. Other triggers include lack of sleep, weather changes, and hormone imbalances. I don't get any pain. I get this woody ham like smell every now and then. But I hope it's not a brain tumor! Whats worse is I work with children and the parents just look at me sometimes and I feel so [silly] not being able to get my thoughts across smoothly. I thought it would clear once the cough had cleared but it's still as intense, if not worse. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. I have just started having this problem over the last week, driving me nuts. Anxiety maxed out. Oh wow. However, you can look it up yourself and talk with your doctor. My work had wooden beams running through and at one point I thought it was the wood. I am highly sensitive to smells as they can trigger migraines for me, but to have it all the time must be hell, especially if it's smokey. Infection. I can't identify any lifestyle, work, leisure, activity etc. I do find this problem worse sometimes than others but it's always there. Here are some factors that can make your urine smell. saw my ENT who pushed a scope into my nasal passages and said he saw nothing irregular. Every once in a while at night I used to smell sweet vanilla scent and I would ask anyone else if they did too? Which was a totally disgusting job. Fatigue or an overwhelming feeling of being tired. During the day wherever I am. And Im getting where I just cant watch it like I used to. Terri S. Not having enough energy at times to do simple daily things like shower or cook dinner for my kids or even somedays I cant get out of bed to do stuff with my kids. Skye L. The fatigue. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Who knows? I do hope so ! Doesn't look too good whilst dining in a restaurant though LOL.!! People with fibromyalgia who quit work or stop exercising do not do as well as those that stay active. Natural remedies can sometimes help, depending on the cause of your smelly urine. Fibro fog is the worst! It started about 6-7 months ago when I had a persistent cough for about 2 months. Another fact is that each passing year, we are losing our ability to smell and to organize the characteristics of the odor such as sour, sweet, spicy, etc. Reading these posts tells me this is kinda commen. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I would love to have the old me back and be able to go out and do the things I used to do. Phenylketonuria. I used to ban my son from bringing Lynx into the house as my mouth and nostrils would just 'ping' and feel as though they were on fire. In some cases, the SSA may fund a consultation to confirm the debilitating nature of the disease. Post here your emails address and I will open a free blog teaching you all to treat this horrible thing for good . To the uninitiated, it seems impossible that an odor could cause physical symptoms, such as headache, nausea, fatigue, confusion, and dizziness especially when the odor isnt even a particularly unpleasant one. When you smell the odors and if you think that no one is actually smoking then try to smell fresh baked bread or deep fried foods at that time. If urine becomes highly concentrated a high level of waste products with little water your urine may have a strong ammonia odor. The list of things to which I am sensitive is getting longer and longer. There are some thing's I can now taste again but the taste of them is not the same as before - I still find most food unappetising That burnt taste to everything is off-putting. And I am also super sensitive to body odors. Brief or mild urine odor symptoms can stem from certain foods, medications, vitamins, or dehydration. Thus, people with fibromyalgia might be more likely to experience drug side effects. After a severe cold which repeated itself twice I have messed up sense of smell now. Fibromyalgia on The Doctors Show The signs of urinary frequency are: feeling a constant or persistent urge to urinate difficulty "holding" urine going to the bathroom to urinate more than once during the night pelvic pain or pain on urination Urinary Urgency Urinary urgency is another symptom that is very common among patients with fibromyalgia. You dont get to pollute mine. Also you have brain fog, joint and body pain. I have been tested for brain tumor,sinus infection,h pylori infection, and several other issues I can't recall. I realize that your post was written 4 years ago, so I am curious to know if your sense of smell & taste have ever returned. The exhaustion. I think because I grew up with 4 chain smokers who rolled their own I've always had an intense dislike for it. However, I had to share this informatioin as I know how scared I was before. Id just like to add my experience incase others have also been affected. I have read that this could be a sign of a brain tumor. Tagged fragrance-free, MCS, multiple chemical sensitivity, odor, smell. I bring special earplugs to gatherings, had to leave several places invited to hear music, unbearable even with plugs. I pray you recover soon! this also led me to quit smoking since it smelt so foul so double win haha. As a last odd note, I have experienced this terrible phantom smoke smell two times before- but I believe the cause was the homemade nasal rinse I had used, which I presume had too much baking soda in the mix, which "activated" a sickening smell of burning in my nasal passages. Symptoms of Fibromyalgia. I cough and my eyes water also! Getting longer and longer regarding a medical condition password down and this site to treat horrible. For 2 weeks my house that was stinking but i hope it 's your for! Including him had to leave several places invited to hear music, even. 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