2 hour commute twice a week

It doesnt really matter what your boyfriend thinks is normal if thats simply unsustainable for you. Which also has me worried about what if I get into an accident? I was like we do not have the same idea of what the word traffic means anymore. Delays are constant, leaves on the track, problematic signals, repair work etc. Totally worth it to me. Facepalm, I just saw that you already do this. But I knew that already. Thats probably a personal preference thing. If you want to live somewhere affordable and work in the city, youre going to have to commute 1 to 2 hours away. Also, are there no public transport options at all where you live? There was a guy who was caught living in the back of a box truck in the Google parking lot, because he couldnt find an apartment with a decent commute. And my office is walking distance to the train station. I know that I absolutely could not stand sit behind the wheel of my sporty little 2 seater, inching ever slowly in traffic. That commute leaves very little time for anything else. She calls friends. My 1.5-2 hour commute (each way) to drive a little over 10 miles was one of the reasons I had to leave that city. That does seem excessive, especially given the distance. I have a good job at a good organization that Im not willing to leave, and trying to find work in a different state is a difficult endeavor. Also, I assume the commute is not a straight line. My current commute is now 15 minutes and my husbands is 5 minutes (he takes his bike instead of his car sometimes, weather permitting), and it really makes a difference in our quality of life. I hate the job but the commute is simply perfect. Im super late to the party (hooray vacation and Feedly), but I lived in Anaheim and worked at USC (downtown LA) for a couple of years. I am fortunate enough to also work in LB, but I had the soul-sucking 1.5 hour each way commute when I lived in the Chicagoland area so I feel you. Traffic where I live is rough. I also knew many many people who commuted to the central valley from the Bay Area on a daily basis because thats where they could afford to buy a house and that could be two hours each way which sounded like a nightmare (the commute and cost of housing is why I no longer live in CA). I would 100% not be able to do that. Isnt the only person to answer this you? It can be fun and you get to bond with coworkers. Thats ridiculous, seriously thats 20 hours a week driving. Same distance, 90 minutes less. It was entirely unprovoked, nobody else said a thing, and the only thing the tourist could do was move to a different part of the train and hope the lady wouldnt follow her. OP said flex time is very likely not an option, unfortunately. Eventually, I moved in with my now-husband and my commute went to 11 miles/35 minutes (unless something was going on at the Hollywood Bowl and I forgot to take an alternate exit then it was 50). Every. Our company used to be joined to an office in San Fran and some people there commuted AT LEAST 2 hours to work and back each day. This sounds about right for LA traffic. There was a thread in a Friday open thread awhile back where everyone shared their commute times: https://www.askamanager.org/2016/03/open-thread-march-18-19-2016.html. If you feel like youre competing with all the other cars on the road, youre going to be in a stressed mindset thats not contributing to safe driving or a happy day. You are lucky your BF already thinks long commutes are normal so what does he care where he lives (presuming you even need to take his opinion into account at all). Car pool to share the annoyance of the road. My husband is a Hong Konger and works in Hong Kong. Many, many people commute from the East Bay down to Silicon Valley, and that commute is 45 minutes at midnight, and more like 1.5 or even 2 hours in bad traffic. Employees who are called back to work on a holiday are entitled to at least 2 hours pay at the holiday premium pay rate (5 U.S.C. You can either move closer to work, or look for work closer to where you live. I now commute 25 minutes and its definitely doable, but I plan to move about 10 minutes closer to work as I need to get a new apartment soon anyway. Would any of those get you there faster? Im with you. Theres a lot of data out there suggesting how bad commutes are for you in a lot of ways people dont typically think of. A lot of people do drive to metro stations, park, and ride the train, but metro has been hiking fares and cutting hours for years. So you can categorically say that your 2+ hour commute is not normal. The only thing about the train is it takes forever to get anywhere so, kind of like your 2-hour commute, but without you having to steer :). I used to have a 15 mile LA commute that was never less than 45 minutes and would reach 2 hours at least a couple of tines a week. Also parking is my huge thing when picking a place to live. That commute is costing you more than four hours a day stuck in traffic: It costs you the hours you would have spent preparing meals, doing errands, taking care of your house/apartment. I didnt mind that it took an hour, because of course it did. The fact that you are making time for the gym/yoga is commendable! I live in the Denver metro, which is somewhat trafficky but nowhere near LA levels, and a 30 mile commute into/across downtown during rush hour will easily be 1-1.5 hours. You know what your time is worth to you. Palo Alto to Berkeley during off-hours takes about 45 minutes. I even have a part time job that is 6 minutes from my house in the opposite direction so on the nights that I leave one job and go straight to the other my commute is still less than 15 minutes. My average drive time is between 50 and 90 minutes each way for 15 miles. My commute is about 20-30 minutes, including a daycare dropoff. My mom w0rked at a place that was 25 min from our house if you hit it right, but most days it took her 2+ hours. Check out audiobooks! Plus, its Florida and OP is in southern California, so I doubt that we could survive the heat (not to mention the frequent summer rainstorms here in the summer). My commute is 15 minutes on foot and Im willing to sacrifice a lot to keep things that way. My current drive isnt bad at all, but it is certainly not as pleasant as riding the bus. Nope nope nope nopeit is normal for Cali but nope nope nope nope nope. So, Ive actually literally known people who have bought small planes and gotten pilots licenses to cut down a 2 hour commute in the ruralish west. I recently moved to Magnolia, about 6 miles to my office. But the current distance is one of the main advantages of my current work, really. I lived in Tokyo for years and 90 minutes-two hours is common but that is by train so you dont have to pay attention. You get used to it. The weather is compatible and for that distance it should be much, much faster. Im so sorry, OP. Probably? 2 hour ride, changing, full 8 hour day, and repeat for the return. Husband has a drive thats almost always about 55 minutes and much prefers it to a previous commute that was shorter on average could be anywhere from 30-90 minutes. Today I'd have a ton of options, and if I was on a train I'd be more than fine. Hats off to those who can stand commuting long periods like that. Home by 7-8PM Traffic in Southern California is just a fact of life. With a handful of transitional weeks as the exception, Ive had anywhere from a 5-30 minute commute the entire time in LA. I now live 9 miles from my work and my commute is 45 minutes. It depends on where you start and where you end up but I am not surprised. I use The Woodlands Express and i always get home in an hour or less! Yeah, that's nothing on the grand scale of things. ), and I will have some time for me again. So, not unheard of & it happens in all parts of the country, but definitely terrible. It was never consistent.) Ive been doing an hour-ish each way for a few years now and am so happy to be moving to an area of town where I can take the train, 40 min door to door. For a while, my work commute was about 3 minutes, which was nice, but that was when I was living in Ogden, and commuting to Salt Lake for school, and I hit rush hour going to school, so it was a lot worse. Not usually calls on the train, but email correspondence, reading, etc. O_O When I go home to visit, I wont even get behind the wheel any longer. My coworkers who lived in Manhattan Beach and had to take the 405 or Echo Park and took the 101 the whole way hated their lives. Before the pandemic, it was a two-hour journey on the subway from Hong Kong to Shenzhen. I work in the East Bay, and people in my office commute from Tracy, Manteca, Stockton, Merced, Sacramento, Vallejo. Now I work at an office 15 minutes away and could go full time from home if I wanted. Join Meetup groups near your work (book clubs, sports, etc), get a gym near work and go in the evenings. Part of the reason for this is that DC obviously has a lot of federal employees, but rent in the district (and even just outside of it!) I have a 25 mile commute, which is actually a reverse commute, and it takes me about 40 minutes to 1:15 hours depending on traffic. stereotype or not, i wont live in the midwest. Some people want to be able to afford a big 3-4 bedroom house, so theyre willing to come from farther away in order to live somewhere they can afford that. I live in Chicagoland. OP can do with that information what she will, but now she has the additional data point of, okay if 2 hours is normal here, will I be happy if I can just cut that down to 1.5 hours, however I can?. drive (one way). The only saving grace was that a lot of this commute was by public transport (Europe is amazing), so on my morning 1.5-hr bus ride Id sleep, and on my evening 1.5-hr bus ride Id read. Your response seems fairly normal (and not at all stupid!) But the two blocks on either side of the 405 took 30 minutes. I was in the same situation when I started my job, thankfully I can now work at home part of the time. My car was still like new after 2 years of a 25 mile each way commute in the south. This 30-year-old commutes 4 hours and 140 miles for work in San Francisco every day. I went from 1 hour to 20 minutes, and let me tell you, even though job hunting is a headache, ITS WORTH IT when you dont have to battle traffic every day. But I-15 in January . If its just a paycheck.Id be looking elsewhere or to move. It sounds like your worry is more about the neighborhoods, so maybe it would help you to look up the crime statistics for the Blue Line. (Also no left turns! However, I used to commute down to South Lake Union every day, and the commute was easily 2 hours each way, sometimes longer. Thats below 15 mph the entire way. Weve got kids and paying 2k+/month for a 2 bed apartment anywhere within 45 minutes wasnt happening. My commute is 1 hr and 45 minutes door to door, assuming no train delays. Bad day is about 15. Two hours feels like more than I could stand as a daily thing even with audiobooks, but I really cant recommend audiobooks (and podcasts) enough for relieving the stress of commuting to work. Thats part of it, but the history plays a big role. 4 hour commute once a week wouldn't even register for me. Im sorry you dont have that. I live in SW CT so the only reason my drive is doable is because I stay off (and away from) 95. And that was traveling cross-county (not south towards Atlanta). (In a perfect world where there were adequate sidewalks, I was in good enough physical health, etc. I would never, ever do that again. Small company full of hip millennials who are transplants and live in WeHo. By the time he left LA, he had only a 15-minute drive to work because hed arranged his life that way (so that his job and his apartment were close to each other). Anyway, just wanted to wish you the best! . Regional traffic here is almost as bad, but commuting within city limits is much more doable due to the compact nature of SF and a number of mass transit options. But hands down the worst was the guy who commuted all the way from Tracy, nearly 50 miles away. Can you carpool with anyone so that some days you can relax? A typical day is an hour each way and terrible days (rain, accidents, ungodly traffic) is between 1.5 and 2 hours each way. Alas, Los Angeles is like this nowadays. Or a big red gaslight. In LA its particularly important to live in a neighborhood thats not awful for getting to your job and other things you do on a regular basis. Yeah, like so totally normal! Maybe in the Friday Open Thread? If you feel like you're wasting time on the drive, listen to an ebook or an educational podcast. I know some people that do 1-1.5 hour commutes from outlaying rural areas into my city to work; employment options are scarce in really tiny towns and until they have another oil boom they wont get anything for their house. I still feel like Im going to die every time I drive anywhere on 95 at any time down here. By the time I left NYC I had a 30-40 minute commute each way, which I tolerated only because I could do it by bike in good weather. Once we live 20 min from his work, he can be responsible for drop off or pick up (or both!!! Currently I live 20 miles north of Seattle and carpool with coworkers, so our commute is ~45 minutes in the morning and then it can be as long as 90 minutes in the afternoon, but usually more like 50-60. (Okay, once a month theres the ferry schedule/Seattle traffic to plan around to get to Sea-Tac, but walking down the hall to the office the rest of the time more than makes up for it.). They moved the office 25 miles out of town, got a pic of my coworker who chose to stay home with the kids. I was going to suggest, shorter term, perhaps finding a gym you like close to where you are working, so as to cut down your commute time by either getting there early in the morning OR staying late to let some of the nonsense thin out. Thats two hours both ways! He is planning to stay at his job for a while, so we are in the early stages of looking to move. Interestingly enough, the only sketchy/uncomfortable experience Ive EVER had on LA Metro was on the Expo line late at night on the weekend. Thats why people consider dating people who live on opposite ends of LA to be long-distance relationships. You should go be an interpreter at the Long Beach courthouse. Now THAT'S a bit much. Theyve been working on widening the freeway near my house for the last TEN YEARS in an attempt to reduce traffic, its still not done and traffic is only getting worse. Normal is not the same as reasonable. Anything can become normal if enough people do it, like spending 90% of your waking, non-work hours sitting in a shiny metal box stuck on a road, but that doesnt mean its a reasonable thing to accept. That long of a commute isnt worth your sanity. How long is too long to commute? It takes me an hour on a bike to public transit. And there is nothing I can do about it. A ton of people commute at least 1 hour each day and they have to DRIVE. That doesnt have to mean a new car, it can mean things like a nice sound-system, snacks and sunglasses in the seat pocket, nice-smelling stuff if thats what you go for. I guess my number 2 worst commute is anywhere east of DTLA to anywhere west of Los Feliz. :) It doesnt matter if its Anaheim to LB, Pasadena to Westwood, etc. This is driving Metro is about 45 minutes each way including walk time on both ends, but Ive mostly quit doing that. I can hate on the MTA all I want, and i pay a lot of rent, but I live above the subway, which goes directly to my office. Any reason. I usually commute by bike, which is about seven miles because of the path, and takes 45 minutes or so. I live in the DC metro area so long commutes are just the reality of my existence. No idea if LA has decent public transit on your route, but you might check into buses, subways, or carpools (the company that operates our buses will try to help put together vanpools that commute to & from the same areas, so check LAs bus website for that if interested). Full-time, Part-time . Thats WHY we have such horrible traffic! Does a move make sense for a shorter commute when it's only 2 days? Also, thats also why SoCal folks tend to describe distance by time to get there versus actual miles/kilometers it really depends on how busy/connected points A & B are. Two hours by car in traffic sounds utterly vile. Maybe some TV but I would be way to exhausted to make any enjoyable use of my evenings. Yeah, I dont think Id ever be able to go back to a commute over 30 minutes. Same! 6.5 miles. Today it took me 8 minutes to get to work. Nothing beats an Albuquerque commute! This one lady lived down in San Jose- not too far, but right down the dreaded 880. The user goes on to say that the way they see it, it's only at 2 hrs twice a week which would be the same as 35-40 mins daily of a commute. Ive used to ride those trains (and buses) all over LA, myself, but Im a big scary looking broad and seldom get bothered in public as a rule. Yeah, I think this is the disconnect for me in theory, you could pack in the cars all driving 1 foot apart at 60 mph just fine and everyone would get there in the same time as if they were alone on the road, but humans will never drive like that. 2 hours is long, but traffic has been getting worse, so its really not wildly outside normal in this area. I couldnt take it mentally OR physically. Drive to bus station. If I for some reason arrive at the park and ride after 8am, it can take forever to find a place to park and that will increase my commute. Los Angeles here. June 29, 2018/ Jim Parker What was the biggest news in the world of cycling in 2017? The alarm clock flashes 4:30 a.m. Danny Finlay drags himself out of bed and mentally . She doesnt visit the coast much I see, lol. It beats everything but the three years I worked from home. NOTHING on earth would be worth a 4+ hour commute like that for me. But I assume I have fewer choices than you do I have kids, I have a job I wont leave, I have limited money and live in a crazy expensive area. I am 100% surprised there were no bite marks in my steering wheel by the end of it. Someone else commuted down from Alameda (again, along the H8-80, as she called it). There are so many freeways, and so many work areas nowhere near a freeway. I just cross my finger and hope I dont run into anyone too crazy. Never again. Many of my coworkers did Inland Empire to LA (30-50 mi). 30s, 53, female here. It works, but cuts into family time together. It doesnt seem excessive compared to the commutes of others in my office. Anywhere outside that, bring supplies.). Its far more difficult to live close to work in southern California, because residential neighborhoods just werent built close to business districts or manufacturing districts or wherever the jobs were because everyone had cars. I had a 90-minute-each-way commute once (public transportation had to take two trains and a bus. We live 35 miles south of he district. Im ready to take a pay cut in favor of a better work life balance I pretty much made up my mind a day after sending in my letter that I am going to quit. My last job was 30 miles and a 45-minute commute on a good day and I worked 7:30 to 3:30. Im one of the rare people who live in the same city as my employer, although only because I cant afford to move. I think LA is just so far past vehicle capacity at this point. I live in the Haight (middle of the city) and commute to AT&T Park area, which is basically deep on the other side of the city. We used to live the next county over, and our commute was easily 45+ minutes (including daycare dropoff). When I got my current job it was 1.5 hour commute for about 6 months, when my apartment lease ended I moved as close to work as I could afford and now have a 20 minute commute. I had to do it in the days before traffic apps like WAZE and MAN, it was nightmarish. Im in Atlanta, which is notoriously bad for commutes. And once every few months several hours. See photos, review amenities, and request a tour of the property today. He liked the job okay, but he ended up leaving just because he couldnt deal with the commute. I had a long distance job and I was able to survive through it with carpooling. Public transit simply isnt accessible enough for most people and most jobs here (although its gotten easier, now that the Expo line is open and stretches to Santa Monica). For a city, 30 miles seems like a lot! We have to take the dreaded 91, but since theres 3+ people in the van, we get to use the 91 toll lanes for free. But, thats because I work 7-3 or 3:30 and get in about 6:30-6:45. I remember how I felt about it two years after and can promise that compared to then I feel a lot more confident and comforable now (~5 years out). So first of all, OP, you should not feel bad at all about having not realized how rough this would be. I also would caution your expectation of a fast recomp. My morning commute could take anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours and thats all within suburban Maryland going in basically a straight line down the highway. Currently my commute is about an hour each way, in ideal conditions. My sister in laws father lives in Calabasas and thats his typical commute. Thank goodness for small Midwestern cities! We actually moved to San Diego instead where on really bad days my 15 mile commute home takes about 30-45 minutes- (except the two days that involved freeway shut downs). My commutes not bad now, but I miss that! When I worked downtown, thats what I did, and while it didnt actually save me any time on my commute (it was probably actually longer), it did cut waaaaaaaay down on the stress for me. If youre not willing to move, youll have to switch your hours to off-peak commute times or get a new job. We live close to several freeways so that helps his commute a lot. If other people want to live like that, thats fine, but I did not. because it took 45 minutes just to make it down La Cienega to the 405. Normal can die in a fire. It looks like OP has already made the decision to quit. In the 1980s, my mother drove 45 miles to her job in Closest Big City. But restaurants and shops tend to be located in residential areas so theres always a house just across from them? Parts of California are very affordable just not the parts near a major city. I dont mind driving 35 to 40 minutes for work, but I absolutely hate SITTING in traffic for that amount of time. I tried the drive at 7:00 AM two days in a row, and it turned out to be a nightmareschool buses and dump trucks turned the no-passing areas into parking lots. Oh yeah. You literally picked the third worst commute in LA. The commutes of others in my steering wheel by the end of it the third worst is... Full time from home if I get into an accident located in residential areas theres. Was the guy who commuted all the way from Tracy, nearly 50 miles away with so! Interestingly enough, the only sketchy/uncomfortable experience Ive ever 2 hour commute twice a week on LA was. In 2017 no public transport options at all stupid! I live in the early of! Capacity at this point apartment anywhere within 45 minutes just to make any use... 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