Any telecommunication link that is even partially outside the control of the organization that owns and operates power plants, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, or energy management systems (EMSs) represents a potentially insecure pathway into the business operations of the company as well as a threat to the grid itself. Medical Figure 2. helpers: {}, DDoS attacks utilize networks of infected computerswhose owners often do not even know that they have been infectedto overwhelm target networks with millions of fake requests for information over the Internet. It is said that Alexander Graham Bell would not recognize the components of modern telephony fiber optics, cell phones, texting, cell towers, PDAs, the internet, etc. DE-AC2604NT41817, Subtask 560.01.04. Due to the increasingly sophisticated nature and speed of malicious code, intrusions, and DoS attacks, human responses may be inadequate.Figure 4 shows the evolution of cyberthreats over the last two decades and the types of responses that can be used to combat them effectively. Power Delivery, vol. Facilities that rely on access control, CCTV surveillance, and other security systems often overlook a piece of their system that can shut down the entire system if it isnt properly maintained: battery backup. Either software patching or the ability to rapidly identify and isolate the exploited systems must be enabled in order to minimize downtime. [2] Mr. Edison would not be familiar with nuclear power plants or photovoltaic cells, as these technologies were developed after his death in 1931. It uses the form of energy (like coal and diesel) and converts it into electrical energy. a fiber optic router); Smart distribution boards and circuit breakers integrated with home control and demand response (behind the meter from a utility . The Safe Operating Area of Power MOSFET is given here: All the maximum voltage and current ratings and power dissipation are conveniently brought together in the safe operating area diagram. Electrical power systems are found in nearly every building type, including residential, commercial, industrial, water, wastewater, chemical, oil/gas and military installations. He is a member of the Alcatel-Lucent Technical Academy. Copyright 2023, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. By if (document.cookie.indexOf(disableStrs[index] + '=true') > -1) { Identity theft threat. Smart power systems improve the security of equipment, protected assets and people. The benefits associated with the Smart Grid include: Quicker restoration of electricity after power disturbances. Then, it suggests a modular approach of evaluating the safety of smart-grid technology based on the safety requirements of the individual merged technologies. /* ga and __gaTracker compatibility shim. Orders ship within ONE business day and regular shipping is always FREE. function __gtagTracker(type, name, parameters) { window['__gaTracker'] = __gaTracker; When an island is created purposely by the controlling utilityto isolate large sections of the utility grid, for exampleit is called an intentional island. From a strategic viewpoint, long-term developments and research issues relating to the defense of cyber and physical interdependent infrastructure networks must also be considered. Containment of batteries capable of producing excessive heat during breakdown or thermal runaway. This is extremely important, since the consequences of an attack are directly proportional to the length of time the service is disrupted. } As these separate technologies become merged, much of the safety considerations will have to be merged and reconciled as well, particularly at interfaces. The report concluded: Terrorists could emulate acts of sabotage in several other countries and destroy critical [power system] components, incapacitating large segments of a transmission network for months. The potential ramifications of network failures have never been greater, as the transportation, telecommunications, oil and gas, banking and finance, and other infrastructures depend on the continental power grid to energize and control their operations. Locally-generated electrical energy, such as that from photovoltaic systems, needs to be stored during accumulation cycles for use during peak demand cycles. As these infrastructures have grown more complex in order to handle increasing demands, they have become increasingly interdependent. Send us a message if youre interested in learning more about a smart power system. The award winning IEEE Power & Energy Magazine is a bimonthly publication of the IEEE Power & Energy Society. The Handbook of Research on Smart Power System Operation and Control is a collection of innovative researc Because society depends greatly on electric energy, power system control and protection focuses on ensuring a secure . } } A model representation of a population of the water heater devices for the demand side frequency response is considered. If we agree to take a modular approach to evaluating the safety of the smart-grid technology equipment, then IEC 62368-1 will be well-suited for providing the plug-in modules for evaluating the safety of the information technology and communication circuitry portion of the smart grid equipment. The threats posed by insiders are real, as is the risk of a Trojan horse embedded in the software of one of more of the control centers. Such arguments have led to the recent moratoriums on AMI installations in numerous northern California communities and other areas throughout the country. dataLayer.push(arguments); } S. M. Amin, Energy infrastructure defense systems, Proc. New technologies called Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) sample voltage and current many times per second at a given location, providing a snapshot of the power System at work. Standby power system codes and standards references. They provide safe load control switching to ground for resistive and inductive loads depending on the control voltage. A smart power system gives its users intelligible monitoring and maintenance of the power being driven to your security system. return null; Additionally, to create a smarter end-to-end power delivery system, we must invest between US$17 and US$24 billion over the next 20 years. With Smart Power Systems, you'll be able to maximize your space and your system operations in the most efficient and effective manner through a unique computer grade-filtering option. The solid line shows the bounding values for DC . S. Massoud Amin is with the University of Minnesota. Power system security - Introduction Practically, the power system needs to be secured.We need to protect it from the black out or any internal or external damage.The operation of the power system is set to be normal only when the flow of power and the bus voltages are within the limits even though there is a change in the load or at the generation side. Those attackers are normally driven by intellectual challenge and curiosity. } The digitization of such systems may enable remote attacks to grow rapidly, potentially spanning countries or even continents. __gaTracker.getAll = function () { Prevention of access to live parts at high electrical energy levels; Prevention of access to live parts at shock potentials; Ventilation of batteries that outgas explosive gases, such as hydrogen from lead-acid batteries. The Handbook of Research on Smart Power System Operation and Control is a collection of innovative research on the theoretical and practical developments in smart power system operation and control that takes into account both smart grid and micro-grid systems. It provides utilities with the ability to detect problems on their systems and operate them more efficiently. In the smart grid (SG), energy management guarantees supply and demand balance while adhering to all system restrictions for cost-effective, dependable, and safe electrical system operation [4-7]. Likewise, other product applicable safety modules, such as requirements for outdoor equipment, can serve as supplements or overlays to the base meter standard in this case. These standards include IEEE C2, National Electrical Safety Code, and CSA C22.3, Canadian Electrical Code, Part III.. The best of American innovation is yet to come, and the smart grid must be part of our future. Ultraflex SmartPower Compac Systems are a breakthrough innovation in induction heating technology, featuring the Direct Digital Step control algorithm and a unique configurable modular approach. var p = Tracker.prototype; } else { hit[arg] = args[arg]; } p.send = function () { switchLogin(); /* Opt-out function */ Thus, with smart grid, there is the potential to modernize and advance the architecture of the power systems technology in the 21st century, as the newer technology has already advanced the telecommunications technology. Since it is imperative that the industry maintain 100% uptime, both the physical security of the AMI system hardware and multiple standard IT security features like encryption and authentication must be provided for. The threat of a Trojan horse embedded in the control center software can only be addressed by means of careful security measures within the commercial firms that develop and supply this software along with careful security screening of the utility and outside service personnel who perform software maintenance within the centers. while Thomas Edison would be totally familiar with the modern electrical grid [2]. As power systems rely more heavily on computerized communications and control, system security has become increasingly dependent on protecting the integrity of the associated information systems. The Smart Grid: An Introduction, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy by Litos Strategic Communications under contract No. window[disableStrs[index]] = true; if (parameters.send_to) { if ('send' === arguments[0]) { We might expect to have campus-type communications from the charging station to a central control station, and then have a trunk telecommunication connection to the network; Currency handling technology, which might involve direct input of paper or coin currency, credit-card transactions, smartcard or wireless interface, or, quite possibly, cell-phone enabled transactions; and. This translates into a need for much greater creepage and clearance isolation distances, as well as much higher electric-strength withstand voltages. It exponentially increases the cost and difficulty of compromising a system by creating a much stronger defense than the use of any individual component alone, thus reducing the likelihood of an attack. In the aftermath of the tragic events of 11 September 2001 and recent natural disasters and major power outages, there have been increased national and international concerns expressed about the security, resilience, and robustness of critical infrastructures in response to an evolving spectrum of threats. It may be necessary to use surge protection devices, either integral to the equipment, or externally connected to limit transient voltages from Overvoltage Category III and IV to Overvoltage Category II. That is, rather than develop a single standard for, say, a new electrical service equipment with intelligence, for a smart meter, it would make sense to continue to use the base product safety standard for meters, but plug-in the additional telecommunications and information technology safety modules. The size and complexity of the North American electric power grid makes it impossible both financially and logistically to physically protect the entire infrastructure. Try again later. Configurable and field upgradeable power supplies with output power from 50kW to 400kW. P. H. Corredor and M. E. Ruiz, Against all odds, IEEE Power Energy Mag., vol. [CDATA[ */ NIST, Guidelines for smart grid cyber security, The Smart Grid Interoperability PanelCyber Security Working Group, NISTIR 7628, Gaithersburg, MD, Aug. 2010. Moreover, cyber, communication, and control layers add new benefits only if they are designed correctly and securely. if (__gtagTrackerIsOptedOut()) { OPERATION Ensure batteries are installed (refer to battery wiring section). And they must also be robust as they will be deployed in very insecure locations. The Smart Power Flow Control (SPFC) strategy driven with ICT using PMUs signals can be a new generation control strategies. As a result, several key privacy concerns need to be addressed, including those outlined by the Cyber Security Working Group of the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The mission of the IEEE Power & Energy Society is to be the leading provider of scientific and engineering information on electric power and energy for the betterment of society, and the preferred professional development source for its members. The driving scientific motivation is to further our understanding of adaptive self-healing and self-organizing mechanisms that can be applied to the development of secure, resilient, and robust overlaid and integrated energy, power, sensing, communication, and control networks. }; Safety is a critical priority in NASA's use of RPS, and is integrated into every phase of the design, test, manufacture, and operation of space nuclear systems. Deception consists of two possible techniques: dissimulation (hiding the real) and simulation (showing the false). 'page': 'page_path', As an increasing amount of electricity is generated from distributed renewable sources, the problem will only be exacerbated; the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has concluded that generating 20% of all electricity with land-based wind installations will require at least 20,000 square miles. } Moreover, the number of threats against computer systems is rapidly increasing due to the increased availability of highly sophisticated hacker tools on the Internet and the decrease in technical knowledge required to use them to cause damage. Participants will examine the practical aspects of the technologies, design and implementation, smart grid applications and sensing; demand side management, smart grid economics, microgrids and distributed energy resources, and fault location and service restoration (FLSIR). A smart grid combines the existing electrical infrastructure with digital technologies and advanced applications to provide a much more efficient, reliable and cost effective way to distribute energy. Often vulnerabilities are not the result of a single mistake or configuration error but of numerous latent organizational conditions, such as management support and decisions made by designers that combine to create scenarios in which failures and weaknesses may occur. Easy operation. Choose Heat or Cool from the mode options. Many of these plants burn coal and other fossil fuels that are non-renewable and greenhouse-gas producing sources of energy, and they are increasingly becoming more scarce and expensive. In this dual operating system, the existing hierarchy, people, and management largely remain. Accounting for all critical assets includes thousands of transformers, line reactors, series capacitors, and transmission lines. The interdependency analyses done by most companies in the last 1214 years (starting with the preparations for Y2K and continuing after the tragic events of 9/11) have identified these links and the systems vulnerability to their failure. for (var index = 0; index < disableStrs.length; index++) { The potential exists to create an electricity system that provides the same efficiency, precision, and interconnectivity as the billions of microprocessors that it will power.